Best known as the creator of the popular franchises Spider-Man, Daredevil, Doctor Strange, and more, Stan Lee headlines at Awesome Con at the Walter E. Washington...
In this fast-paced life, we all strive for a healthy work-life balance. A healthy lifestyle has become a struggle for most of us, and if you...
Many companies spend thousands sometimes millions of dollars in advertising. But no matter how much you spend, the cost can be counterproductive especially if you have...
Everyday I come across companies that are spending tons of money on advertising that is yielding them subpar results. This then makes them believe that advertising...
Starting a business is exciting, but also comes with some significant challenges. The success and sustainability of the startup depends on two basic ideas – good...
It’s the little things that count. Gifts that come from the heart doesn’t always have to be huge in size. Check out these stocking stuffers! You...
If you’ve been reading Owner’s Magazine lately, you’ve probably read my article about virtual reality. There I detailed information about the latest VR headsets to make...
When you know Snapchat’s Snapbot is going to pop up in your city, you go. That’s exactly what happened today in Philadelphia, just in time for...
IFA is the largest consumer technology trade show in Europe. Each year in Berlin, thousands people flock to see some of the latest announcements from the...
The French luxury goods company Dior announced that they are launching their new online charitable program called ‘Dior Love Chain’. The viral campaign video is live...