Inspiring millennials across the nation, Or Die Trying is sharing a story about four women living in Hollywood pursuing their dreams in the entertainment industry. In...
The divorce of fantasy and science fiction When you walk into any Barnes and Nobles, you’ll notice that the layout of the store is separated by...
Why Millennials Are The Best Entrepreneurial Generation ? “Millennipreneurs”, the amalgamation of millennial and entrepreneur are the exciting, new generation of savvy, young, and creative individuals...
When you are in your 20’s, you should work hard on what you are passionate about. Try to set a foundation for a life well-lived. Be...
What Makes Millennials Happy At Work? I am a “millennial”, a term given to people born between 1980-2000, who are currently between 17 to 37 years...
Don’t confuse the millennial presence in cities with a desire to be in a city. The population of millennials in large cities may be dense, but...
Here are 7 startup must haves. Each startup has their own perks from nap pods to game rooms. They are fun and provide a great environment...
This generation has been talked about so much that it’s tiring. But, the thing is that as the largest age demographic, they deserve the attention. Millennials...
Women Entrepreneurs are rising, proving their knowledge and capabilities are worth noticing. There is no question that women entrepreneurs are growing in the workforce, slowly but...
I met Noami and Dustin one hot New Orleans day while moving a piano from one house to another. Dustin was a project manager for a...