Green living has become a popular campaign in a world increasingly defined by rapid industrialization. It is about switching to an eco-friendly lifestyle and living a...
In a comprehensive study by Oxfam, the wealthiest 1% account for more substantial carbon emissions than the poorest 66%. The so-called “polluter elite” consists of the...
COP28 is the 28th annual United Nations (UN) climate meeting, where world leaders gather to discuss how to prepare for future climate change. It is being...
Google’s AI Gemini is the new promising AI tool suite rivaling ChatGPT and other large language models. Google believes that this new AI is their state-of-the-art...
They said it wouldn’t happen, but here we are: Elon Musk has killed Twitter. Well, rebranded it. Twitter is now simply X, and people both on...
Since its founding in 2016, TikTok has had a massive impact on culture—and business. Now, it’s leaving an impression on politics as well… but not necessarily...
The amount of documents written in an organization comes in large volumes. Managers, marketers, entrepreneurs, and individuals jot down quick notes or write long-form content daily....