
Maintaining A Healthy Work Life Balance



Millions of people across the world wrestle with this question of how to maintain a healthy work life balance. From giving your best at work, taking care of family, staying in touch with relatives and friends, we know we have got a lot on our plate. Whether we can have it all or not is still debatable, but we must have a happy and fulfilling life. It is not easy to maintain the right balance between work and leisure, but how well you can manage can make a significant difference. To help you in this pursuit, we are listing some of the best advice on maintaining a healthy work life balance.


Time management

This is the most important point to keep in mind if you are looking for a healthy work life balance. List your priorities and dedicate time to them. Fitting everything in 24 hours becomes an everyday struggle. However, when we prioritize our day to day tasks, it becomes a lot easier. For example, you can wake up early and do some household chores when the kids are still asleep.


Turn it off for a healthy work life balance

No matter how dedicated you are towards work, you should take time off and spend some leisure time. Many of us find it difficult to follow, since work plays an important role in our lives, but remember always on-the-job attitude can be harmful in the long run. This can damage your relationship with your family and eventually leave you without them. Also, doing same things over and over again can reduce your effectiveness at work. Therefore, ensure you take a break to get yourself recharged.


Enjoying weekends and vacations

Instead of keeping all chores for a Sunday, try and finish them during the week as and when you can. Try and make your weekend as relaxing as possible, watch TV, indulge in your hobbies, play with your kids. Ensure that you are rejuvenated for the coming week ahead. When on vacation, make sure that you are not checking official emails and attending calls. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to stay connected, but make sure that you set the boundaries. Check this article to learn how to actually relax properly.


Learn to refuse

Most of us don’t like to refuse new responsibilities, favors, or any other request for fear of upsetting someone or missing out on some opportunity. By doing this, we don’t realize that we are over-committing ourselves. We should accept a request only if it fits into our schedule and when it is too much then don’t hesitate to say “no”.  If you are already overburdened with work in hand, then there is no point accepting any further responsibility which you will not be able to do. Now if you’re trying to get people to say YES to you, check out this article.


Build your support network

Managing professional and family life requires a strong network of behind-the-scenes supporters. Apart from a primary caregiver who is present at home, we should not hesitate in seeking a paid help or assistance from extended family. This becomes essential for working women who have kids at home. Check this article out for some killer networking tips.

Last but not the least, be honest with yourself so that you know how well you are balancing everything.

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