
Improve Communication Skills As An Introvert



Some of the most successful business people are introverted, however they would argue that those same traits have helped them become successful. Introverted does not always mean shy. It means that you generally prefer solitude as opposed to interacting with large groups. You probably feel recharged by alone time, and begin to be withdrawn after long periods of social interaction. You may enjoy reading, writing, and thinking more than talking, hanging out, or partying. While introversion and amazing communication skills do not always go hand in hand, there are ways to improve communication skills. In doing so, you will be able to see visible growth as an entrepreneur.

Practicing Your Elevator Pitch

Selling your business is the number one priority for any entrepreneur. You must be able to effectively communicate what you do and how well you do it. As an introvert, public speaking may not be your forte, but practicing is a key part when trying to improve communication skills and can help for when you get in front of bigger audiences. Even if you just practice with a friend, it can give you adequate preparation for real life instances. An elevator pitch should be about 30-45 seconds of you explaining to someone who you are, what you do, and what you are about. Make it a lasting impression! Read this article to learn how to write better elevator pitch.

Networking Events

Networking events is a great place to break out of your shell, because you will find that everyone’s goals are consistent. Find networking events in your area that focus on marketing businesses and you may find comfort in speaking to people who are on the same path as you. Most colleges offer entrepreneurship courses, and there are websites dedicated to providing details for meetups around the country. These meetups can be focused on any specific field and they always have a variety of things for you to do. 

Build confidence in what you do and who you are as a brand

Be confident! Confidence is one of the building blocks to having a successful business. As an introvert, you may feel as if your words or ideas are not as important as someone else’s. Or, you may be hesitant to share because of rejection or failure. Once you have put in enough time and work, it will become easier to speak about your business. Improve communication skills by building the confidence to talk about your brand. Here’s another great article on how you can hack confidence

Relax, Don’t Take Yourself So Seriously

As an introvert, you are probably prone to living inside of your own head. If you get too caught up you may begin to miss out on opportunities to just live in the moment. Being an entrepreneur calls for you to be spontaneous and go with the flow. The life of an entrepreneur is unpredictable. Instead of focusing on what you did wrong, or how awkward that last conversation was, or how that presentation failed so badly – just focus on making the next interaction better. The more you do, the more comfortable you will be. Challenge yourself to speak to more people each week. Not only through social media, but equally incorporate face time with these people as well.

Don’t Force It

Introversion and extroversion are two character traits that come to us naturally whether we like them or not. Preferring to be alone, have quiet time, or needing time to recharge are not negative traits or habits. Preferring to be social, being outgoing, or thriving in public spaces are also not necessarily positive or negative. Being yourself is a key in business because people can sense when you are not being genuine, and a lack of authenticity can negatively affect your business. Don’t force yourself on people with a personality that does not belong to you. The people that you are meant to work with will come. Keep doing great work, improve communication skills, and things will fall into place.

Find an Extroverted Business Partner

A great way to accentuate your strengths in business is to find a partner who can compensate for things that you lack. An extroverted business partner who is just as focused, driven, and smart as you can help immensely with communication. This partner should be more open to engaging larger crowds, networking easily, and tolerating small talk more gracefully than you can. Introversion does not equal a lack of personality or charisma, so do not think that this partner should control all public interactions. Continue to utilize your skills to draw in clients in smaller groups, while your extroverted partner can handle larger interactions.

1 Comment

  1. Zee

    September 14, 2017 at 1:47 pm

    Amazing tips. I need to implement some of these!

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