
Thank Goodness For Wordle



When I first saw Wordle take over my timeline I was like: 

What’s going on? What are all these green, yellow, and grey cubes? Why is everyone talking about this? Why am I always out of the loop? 

Like all internet trends that quickly take over my timeline, I scoffed and dismissed it. Because obviously everyone is an idiot and I’m definitely spending my time far more wisely. 

But then, one day, I played Wordle. Just for giggles. 

And, you know what? I liked it.

I have a reputation in my office for being a “hater” – It’s a well-earned reputation. Often, I will go out of my way to dislike something. If, for nothing else, to feel different. 

The curse of being gleefully contrarian. 

Thankfully, I let that go in favor of enjoying something, however small it is. Wordle is a fun little brain teaser. I quickly made playing it a daily activity and shared my wins and losses with my mom and sister. 

We have fun little back-and-forths as we discuss our guesses and strategies. My sister has an insanely good vocabulary. Her word guesses… *chef’s kiss*

Now, I look forward to the next Wordle. 

Here are some of my personal Wordle wins: 

And some of my embarrassing failures… 

“VIVID” and “NASTY” will haunt me forever. 

I never thought such a little thing like Wordle would bring me so much joy. I’m exercising my brain for a couple of minutes, I’m bonding with my mom and sister, and it makes me happy. This game proves that we can have nice things on the internet

We Need Nice, Little Things

In a scary and uncertain world, we need all the happiness we can get. There’s war in Ukraine, an unhinged, authoritarian Republican party, a pandemic that has killed millions, climate change, and – ugh– alright, that’s enough. It’s too depressing and upsetting. 

Thank goodness for Wordle.

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