
Social Media Needs A Reboot



Our society currently reboots two things: computers and tired horror franchises. But one thing that could really, really use a reboot is social media. The Institute for Rebooting Social Media is embarking on a three-year “pop -up” research initiative to take a look at what’s going wrong with social media, what’s going right, and how to fix it. 

A Communications Renaissance

When social media was first created it was supposed to be the next level of communication. A renaissance of ideas because everyone could have a voice. It was the new town square where you could share your ideas and gather a community of like minded individuals. 

It was a place you could reconnect with old high school friends and see who got fat. You could share local events, plan get-togethers, and show off what you’re having for lunch. It was the birth of memes, of “liking,” how you remembered birthdays, and it was quickly becoming a primary source of information for the masses. 

And that’s when things started getting tricky…

What Is Wrong With Social Media

In the last several years, social media has gotten increasingly toxic. The hostile use of misinformation has taken what was supposed to be a new type of community has instead slid deep into the muck and mire. Instead of grandma posting “I’m eating peanut butter and jelly today, YUM!” she’s now posting, “beat COVID-19 with Ivermectin! Take that Big Pharma!

People taking Ivermectin to stick it to big pharma are going to feel really silly when they realize who makes Ivermectin… 

Since Zuckerberg and Dorsey are reluctantly doing the absolute bare minimum, it’s going to have to take this special commission to enact real change. Social media is arguably doing irreparable damage to institutional trust and our collective truth. 

It is also serving as a place where hatred thrives and spreads. Racism, sexism, homo/transphobia are all much easier to take part in from behind a keyboard. When you don’t see the person in front of you, suddenly being mean isn’t so difficult. 

Social media is particularly good at exacerbating conflict and insulating people in their own worldviews. It’s a little ironic that the very tool intended to bring people together actually divides them. 

And let’s not even get into FOMO

What’s Good About Social Media

Social media isn’t all bad. There are some clear benefits to having an online community. Business intelligence, for instance, has made direct-to-consumer marketing easier than ever. Have you seen Wendy’s tweets? That kind of engagement with customers is endearing and certainly one for the “pro” column. 

Another benefit is the ability to stay in touch with people who live far away. You may have a very dear friend who lives in Ottawa while you live in Philadelphia. Thanks to Instagram, you’re able to keep in touch with a very special friend. 

One crucial trait of social media is also the ability to campaign for a social good. Organizing a peaceful protest, sharing important issues quickly among the masses, and gathering support is enhanced specifically because of social media’s reach. We may not have a George Floyd Square if it were not for social media

What’s the Plan, Stan? 

The Institute’s plan over the next three years is much like a congressional commission. It will gather research using participants, analyze that data, write a report of their findings, and make suggestions as to how to act going forward. 

It will be the Institution’s goal to strengthen the healthy aspects of social media while minimizing its harmful effects. The scope of the study is very wide. They are going to throw everything they can at the wall to see what sticks. When democracy and peoples’ lives are at stake, something needs to be done. 

Their findings after three years will be anyone’s guess. One thing is for sure, Uncle Stephen is going to have to make more selective choices about what he posts.

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