
10 Inspiring Social Media Commerce Examples That Will Help You Sell More



A rapidly growing trend, social media commerce allows brands to reach customers directly through social media platforms. It facilitates faster and easier selling without the need for a separate e-commerce website. This new way of shopping has also made it easier for consumers to purchase conveniently. Here are ten inspiring social media commerce examples that will help you increase sales:

1. Glossier

Thanks to its innovative use of social media commerce, Glossier has become a well-known beauty brand. Through shoppable posts on Instagram and a seamless checkout experience, the company made it easy for customers to buy directly from social media. It has also built a strong community around its products by encouraging customers to share their experiences on social media and reposting user-generated content on its own channels.

Aside from its stellar social media strategy, Glossier has also been able to build a recognizable brand image through its minimalist, millennial-pink aesthetic. This resulted in a cohesive visual identity which paved the way for the brand to stand out in a crowded beauty market.

2. HelloFresh

Meal kit delivery service HelloFresh uses social media commerce to drive sales and engage customers. The brand showcases its recipes, offers exclusive discounts, and provides behind-the-scenes looks at the company on various platforms. Through visually appealing content and customer testimonials, HelloFresh has created a strong brand image that resonates with its target audience.

The company’s social media commerce strategy also includes influencer marketing, partnering with food bloggers, and social media influencers. Also, HelloFresh promotes limited-time offers and discounts on its social media channels to encourage customers to purchase and try its products at a lower cost.


Making a name for itself as a fashionable watch and accessories brand, MVMT uses social media commerce to drive sales and build a loyal following. The company leverages platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to showcase its products and offer exclusive discounts to its followers. 

One of the most notable social media commerce strategies MVMT employs is its user-generated content. The company regularly reposts images and videos of customers wearing its products, creating a sense of community and encouraging others to purchase its watches and accessories. 

4. Purple Carrot

Another meal kit delivery service specializing in plant-based food, Purple Carrot, has effectively used social media commerce to build a loyal customer base. The company leverages platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to showcase its recipes and provide a behind-the-scenes look at the brand. Their visually appealing content and influencer partnerships have established a strong brand image that resonates with its target audience.

One of the critical social media commerce strategies employed by Purple Carrot is its use of customer reviews and testimonials. It shares positive feedback and experiences from customers, which has helped the brand build trust and credibility with its audience.

5. Casper

Known for using various platforms for its innovative social media commerce, Casper has effectively driven sales while engaging its customers. The mattress and bedding company showcases its products and offers exclusive discounts to its followers in its visually appealing content.

Like others on this list, Casper also uses influencer marketing and user-generated content. It regularly reposts images and videos of customers enjoying its products, creating a sense of community and encouraging others to purchase its mattresses and bedding. 

6. Gymshark

Building a loyal customer base and establishing yourself as a leading brand in your niche is no small feat. But thanks to social media commerce, Gymshark has done it. The main focus of its campaigns is customer reviews and testimonials.

The fitness apparel brand regularly reposts images and videos of customers wearing its products. It has created not only a sense of belonging but also served as a referral that can encourage others to try the products. 

7. Fashion Nova

Offering exclusive discounts to its followers on social media, Fashion Nova has built a strong presence in the industry. Its aggressive use of social media commerce in the form of visually appealing content and influencer marketing has sparked high interest in the brand. 

Fashion Nova’s personalization features and easy checkout have given its followers the ultimate in shopping convenience. It was highly successful that the brand faced criticism for its fast fashion practices and lack of transparency in its supply chain.

8. Article

To drive sales and boost its brand, Article turned to social media commerce. It was proven successful in giving the brand a strong presence on social media platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest. Its accounts showcase its products in real-life settings and provide design inspiration to customers.

Of all the marketing strategies this furniture retailer uses, the most are partnerships with influencers. The company collaborates with popular interior design influencers on Instagram to showcase its products in beautifully styled home settings. This helps the brand reach a wider audience and provides social proof and credibility to potential customers.

9. Chewy

A pet retailer store, Chewy has achieved social media commerce success by offering personalized recommendations and promotions based on their customers’ shopping history. The company also takes advantage of the benefits of using personalized retargeting ads.

It uses data and insights to create ads that target customers who have previously browsed or purchased specific products on their website. This customized approach has increased the likelihood of converting browsing customers into actual sales. 

10. The Sill

Looking at The Sill’s social media accounts, you’d know that the plant retailer has a solid online presence. You’ll also find that it showcases its products in creative and visually appealing ways while also providing expert advice on plant care and styling. Giving value to those who consume your content is an excellent way to have them come back for more.

The Sill uses influencers to market its brand. It partners with popular lifestyle and home décor influencers on Instagram to showcase its products in beautifully styled settings.


Social media commerce has become essential in content marketing because of its many advantages. As more and more customers turn to social media for inspiration, advice, and now shopping, social media commerce will continue to play an increasingly crucial role in the retail industry.

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