
How To Motivate Your Team



Setting up teams is one of the best ways companies get work done. Combining the energy, skills, and knowledge of a motivated group of people is a good way to accomplish goals. But working together or staying motivated is not as easy as it sounds. Managers can make mistakes that drive people away or drain away their energy. Here are some ways to motivate and keep your team fired up.

Good Work Environment

One of the best and easiest ways to keep your team motivated is to provide them a good working environment. All workers want to be in an environment that is comfortable, clean, and stimulating. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to make your work space inviting. All you need is to keep it clean, decorate with some potted plants, and make sure that temperatures are just right. It’s also a good idea to have windows so that employees can look outside for some inspiration.

Pay Them What Their Worth

Low pay and bad working conditions are some of the most common factors for employee dissatisfaction. To keep team members motivated, pay them what their talent is worth, because salary is a good way to recognize their talent. If you don’t pay employees what their worth, other people will. Your salaries should be consistent with what other companies pay their employees.

According to studies, 26% of engaged employees said that they would consider leaving their jobs for just a 5% increase in pay. Don’t lose good talent just because you are underpaying them.

Encourage Happiness

Happy employees are enthusiastic and positive team members. These kinds of people are infectious and their mood can affect the whole team. Watch out for unhappy employees. Like happiness, dissatisfaction can spread and infect the whole team.

Set Clear Goals

Did you know that a survey showed 63% of employees stated that they wasted time at work because they did not know which work should be prioritized? Always keep in mind that it is the leader’s job to tell team members what to do, and it is part of your job to set clear goals. Once you do this, everybody is clear in their roles and what is expected from them.

Don’t Micromanage

38% of employees surveyed said that they would rather do an unpleasant activity than sit and work under a micromanaging boss. Nobody likes a boss who is constantly looking over an employee’s shoulder. Set clear goals for team members (as stated above) and let them figure out the rest by themselves.

Encourage Participation

39% of employees feel that their input is unappreciated according to Encourage team members to participate and ask them for their input or suggestions. Foster collaboration by asking for their opinion, listening to their answers, and implementing their suggestions whenever possible.

Motivate your team. Members of a team that have aligned purpose feel that their work has challenge and have a strong sense of friendship and camaraderie. A motivated team will also feel more responsible for their actions. Motivate your team so that your business will reap the rewards.

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

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