
8 Ways To Stay Focused On Your Fitness Goals



Staying committed to your fitness goals is not always easy. In the beginning it is easy to stay committed and motivated. But as we all know, motivation wanes over time and we end up frustrated, stuck, overworked and distracted. It can be hard to stay focused when you have so much on going on.

It is easy to let life get the best of us, but it is not okay to stray off the track too far that we forget what is important. Staying focused on goals is crucial and staying motivated and committed to your fitness goal can make your life better.

Here are some ways to motivate yourself to losing weight and exercising regularly.

Set Goals

Don’t just say that you want to lose weight. Be specific. Say “I want to lose 20lbs in one year”. Your fitness goals need a specific and realistic time frame to measure your success like achieving fitness challenges. Being vague is like being indecisive. Setting up reasonable and manageable goals will keep you working hard.

Be Realistic

Losing 20 pounds in a year is realistic and doable. However, stating that you want to lose the same amount in 3 months is setting yourself up for failure, not to mention that it is almost impossible and dangerous for your health. It is also best if you have the means of achieving your fitness goals. If you want to swim to lose weight, make sure that you have access to a pool.


Stick Post-It notes everywhere to remind yourself the benefits of exercise. This will not only serve as reminders but also motivation to continue and persevere.

Get A Buddy

An exercise buddy with a similar mindset can be great motivation to keep on moving forward. Sometimes exercising by yourself can be lonely and you might be tempted to skive off because of it. But if you have somebody waiting for you at the gym, it would be a different story.

Schedule Workout

We know you’re busy, but lots of busy people still have time to work out. They do this by scheduling their workout. Just like scheduling an appointment to the doctor, schedule the time for your daily workout. Use your phone to set up reminders or an alarm.

Put It In Writing

Encourage yourself to continue by starting a fitness journal. After exercising, write down what you did every day, the duration, what you ate and how much. When you look back and see the numbers you can measure your progress and keep on going.

Talk To A Trainer

Exercise is fun if it is composed of activities that you like doing. It is more fun if the activities are varied every day. The more you like your exercises, the more you will be motivated to do them. Talk to a trainer so that you can both device varied exercises you enjoy doing.


Responsibilities sometimes get in the way of our workouts. Think about what could possibly get in the way of your exercise regimen. For example, your kids might need watching on the day you’re supposed to go biking. Arrange for a sitter before hand or you can consider getting a child bike seat so that you can bring them along.

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