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Best Podcasts For Designers



In the past few years podcasts have increasingly become an outlet for entertainment, news, sports, politics, music, etc. It seems like everyone is hosting or co-hosting a podcast these days about any topic imaginable. Though most people do a podcast purely from the standpoint of conveying some sort of message, some have parlayed podcasting into a full career in media. A podcast is simply a long form conversation or interview which essentially informs or entertains the listener in some way. They’re uncensored so most prefer this format as opposed to radio, which seems to be a fading medium. If you consider yourself a creative thinker, a designer, or developer in some form here’s some of the best podcasts you should check out!


Adventures in Design

Adventures in Design is a daily podcast hosted by two graphic designers, Mark Brickey and Billy Baumann. “Adventures” is an entertaining, yet informative gossip show, which incorporates relatable “Shop Talk”. Brickey and Baumann focus on people who have successfully fused design and happiness into their professional lives.


The Deeply Graphic Design Cast

If you’re looking for a graphic design podcast targeted to freelancers or agency designers, The Deeply Graphic Design Cast by Wes McDowell may be one of the best podcasts for you. Wes is a graphic and web designer from Los Angeles who is characterized as both a serial freelancer and agency designer. He is joined by co-hosts Mikelle Morrison, Nick Longo, Brandon Voss, Kristi Duce, and Sam Cox. Their show is described as the web and graphic design podcast that offers both practical and creative design advice you can use. The creative hosts tackle relatable design topics and answer listener questions every episode!


Unmistakable Creative

An iTunes Subscriber once described Unmistakable Creative by saying, “If TED Talks met Oprah, you’d have the Unmistakable Creative”. The show has fielded over 600 interviews with guests ranging from best selling authors & entrepreneurs to ex-cons. The show interestingly characterizes itself as a place for “wide eyed wanderers and starry eyes dreamers”. This is one of the best podcasts if you’re searching for diversity of guests and topics. It allows for a wide range of listeners who consider themselves free spirited, rebellious, and passionate humans.


Design Details

Simply put, Design Details is “a show about the people who design our favorite products”. Hosted by Bryn Jackson and Brian Lovin each hour long episode while lacking structure provides a casual conversation atmosphere. Their guests have featured a wide variety of different designers who specialize in UX, visual design, product design, game design, etc.


Developer Tea

Developer Tea is a unique podcast because of the length of each episode. This is a podcast that you can literally listen to in about ten minutes. On your lunch break, on your commute in traffic, or while washing dishes you can be informed about development and manage time simultaneously. The show is hosted by Jonathan Cutrell, a developer who and director of Technology at a company called “Whiteboard”, in Chattanooga, TN. Jonathan says that he wants to help designers “level up” and achieve their goals.


Let’s Make Mistakes

If you scour the reviews online, you will see conflicting opinions from the listeners of “Let’s Make Mistakes”. Another podcast that frequently lacks structure and often goes off on tangents, the hosts still discuss design in an effective manner. Though there may have been a few changes in the co-hosts Mike Monteiro is a main stay and fan favorite. An opinionated voice on the show provides a great balance to his two counterparts in whatever creative topic they decide to discuss in each episode.


Design Matters with Debbie Millman

In 2005, Debbie Millman created a radio show called “Design Matters”. Though it started as a small idea surrounded by a great vision, the show has progressed to be a staple in one of the best podcasts for community. Millman saw the show as a great way to interview some of the designers that she admires most and ask them everything that she ever wanted to know. Millman is not just a podcaster she also made history by being the first design podcast to distribute episodes free on iTunes. 200 episodes later, the show has gained awards, recognition, and critical acclaim and has grown exponentially since 2005.


Design Guy

If you’re looking for structured, condensed design principles explained to you, Design Guy podcast is the place to look. Even though the show is focused primarily on graphic design, the listener can still gain useful general design information from these “timeless principles”.



This particular web design podcast, Boagworld, is hosted by British UX designer Paul Boag, along with Marcus Lillington. If you are looking for an informative show that tackles all things web design, this may be one of the best podcasts for you. They have been joined by a diverse cast of guests over the show history, and always provide a unique take on the design field. If you’re looking to shake things up a bit, while gaining valuable information this is the podcast to check out.


The Creative Agency Podcast

For entrepreneurs/designers who are interested in owning or working in the creative/digital agency space you may have some questions that cannot be answered from a mere Google search. “Creative Agency” focuses on growing and managing a creative agency. Chris Bolton hosts and interviews a myriad of entrepreneurs on the best practices to staying afloat in the agency space. Check it Out!

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