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6 Reasons Why You Need A New Business Website



6 Reasons Why You Need A New Business Website. Websites are very important for businesses because it can provide your business credibility and gives instant access to your potential customers. If you’ve had your website for a while now, you probably know your way around the block. But managing a business website is not just about putting content and delivering orders. It is also about monitoring the on goings and activities of your visitors. If you feel like you’re sales are slipping or if conversions and leads are lagging, it might be time to upgrade or get a new website. Here are reasons to do so.

No Links To Social Media Sites

Here’s the first reason why you’ll likely need a new business website. According to statistics over 78% of Americans are connected to social media networks. These people share, like and follow not only people they know but also businesses they like or want to know about. If you’re business has no social media presence or if your website has no buttons to link you, then you’re missing a lot.

An integral part of sales is prospecting and establishing relationships. Social media is a good tool for these activities. Having a presence on Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest does not only make you accessible, it also makes it easy for you to become close to your target market. If people share your posts, it can reach potential clients and lead to conversions. It is also a good venue to launch new products and awareness for your brand.

Not Mobile Friendly

According to reports 4 out of 5 consumers use their smartphones to shop. If you’re site is not mobile friendly you are losing a lot of potential customers. Mobile friendly websites are different from your typical websites because the mobile friendly version is smaller, more compact and usually loads faster. If you’ve ever tried loading a webpage on a browser on your phone, you know what we mean. Text is smaller and it takes forever to scroll sideways or down, not to mention that the buttons look positively tiny, trying to click them is a nightmare.

New business websites are making sure that their sites are mobile friendly because more and more people access the internet through their phones. This is where they do their shopping, book tickets, check reviews or go on social media. Mobile friendly sites are more readable, easier to navigate, have concise text and load quickly compared to websites created for desktops.

Not Set Up To Convert

When a guest lands in our website you want to take them by the hand and give them a tour so that they can look around. You will want to show them videos, products, services and let them get to know your brand just like you would if they entered your brick and mortar store. If your website does not invite them to look around or give them opportunities to explore or interact, you might be losing visitors and missing opportunities to convert their visits into leads or sales.

Your new business website should not just be an online brochure. It should also be user friendly and inviting to the visitor. Look at your home page; are there opportunities where you can get them to sign-up for a news letter? Do you have a call to action button? Do you have a button to click for new products or service?

Loads Slowly

Page loading time is an important metric when you have a website. It is also important to the user’s experience. According to statistics, slow loading pages are one of the top reasons for high bounce rates In fact, 47% of users expect a website to load in 2 seconds and 40% abandon the site if it does not load in 3 seconds. Every page load delay of 100 milliseconds has a 1 percent decrease in conversion. 44% of shoppers will tell their friends about a bad online shopping experience.

These are surprising statistics, but what can you expect in the competitive world of the internet? If somebody can do it better, then why wait for your site to load?

No Visual Appeal

When people go to your website, they see it as a reflection of your company or business. If it has lots of relevant information, looks professionally put together then they will view your website and organization as credible and authoritative. If your website looks outdated, has poor structure or bad design then they might make negative assumptions about your company and business. Your website should highlight your product or services with a harmonious and consistent layout.

Outdated SEO

If you notice a slip in your search engine rankings, it could be because of outdated SEO. Search engines like updated content and reward websites that provide fresh content with high rankings. This is because they want to provide users with the most relevant and updated results. If your old website still has the same content as it did 5 years ago, search engine crawlers might stop indexing it because it will think that this content is outdated.

The world of web development is always changing. If your business website is more than 3 years old, it might be time to get a new website or an update. There are many new options, integrations, widgets, apps, coding, language and many more. These upgrades can make your website more user-friendly or more appealing to your visitors.

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