
Uncommon Ways To Relieve Stress



Stress is a big part of everyday life. For ordinary people like us, we have to find ways to beat stress to survive another way. People deal with stress in different ways. Some eat, others exercise, while there are those who try to hide behind substances that mask stress. When it comes to effective ways to deal with stress, there are many suggestions. However, there are uncommon, yet effective ways you might want to try during times when you’re under pressure.

Fake a Smile

We’ve all heard the saying, “grin and bear it”. This might actually seem weird to some, but faking a smile actually has a positive effect on stress. According to scientists, smiling forces the muscles on your face to relax, which makes your brain think that you’re relaxed. Dr. Philip Muskin, a psychiatry professor at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City, says that smiling engages your face that is wired to the rest of the brain. Therefore forcing your face to smile even if you don’t want to, can make you feel better.

Looking at Fractals

Fractals are repeating similar or identical patterns and looking at them can relieve stress. According to research, looking at fractal patterns like snowflakes, ocean waves, or a pine cone has a calming effect on the brain. If you find yourself under pressure, take a look at fractals in nature or architecture for at least 20 minutes. This can help you de-stress and relax your brain.

Read A Book

If you’re looking for a cheap way to escape stress, read a book. There are people who find that bibliotherapy or reading is fun and takes yourself out of yourself. Losing yourself in a good book is a good way to forget about your problems and leave stress behind even just for a while. When you don’t think about your problems and focus on what you’re reading, your mind gets to relax. According to a study published in Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing in 2014, people who use bibliotherapy saw an improvement in perceived stress, anxiety and quality of life.


Channel your inner pirate and let out all your bottled feelings and stress through swearing. Cursing until your tongue turns blue is actually a good way to destress and let all the negativity out. We all know that keeping your emotions in check all the time is physically bad for you. Doing the opposite however, allows you to vent and tell somebody how you really feel. Do yourself a favor and swear from time to time to help ease the emotional pressure.

Eat Breakfast

One of the reasons why you feel stress is probably because you feel hungry. Start the day with breakfast, specifically orange juice and oatmeal. Orange juice is rich in Vitamin C which helps to lower cortisol (stress hormone) levels. Drinking a glass or two daily will help you feel less anxious. Oatmeal is rich in magnesium and potassium which helps to lower blood pressure levels to make you more relaxed.

Stress is a fact of life. Just like death and taxes, there is no way to be free from stress. However, there are many ways you can deal with it so that it does not rule your life. Stress can lead to many different physical problems so finding ways to manage it can make our lives easier.

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