
The Virginia Tech Dog-Like Robot Will Survey Sites for Inspection



How much can your dog do? Unlike your regular furry friend who fetches slippers or barks at suspicious visitors, the Virginia Tech dog-like robot can be relied upon for more complex tasks, such as inspecting construction sites.

This is Spot, a yellow-colored, four-legged robot working as the newest helper at Virginia Tech. Developed by Boston Dynamics, the robot can navigate the terrain with eased mobility, allowing you to automate routine inspection tasks and data capture safely, accurately, and frequently.

According to Myers-Lawson School of Construction Assistant Professor Kereshmeh Afsari, this is the first time that they’re using a robot to survey a construction site.

So, how exactly does Spot do its work? Quite simple, actually. It walks around the job site and takes pictures. The photos that it takes help project leaders monitor the progress of the construction. As a result, project leaders cut the time and effort they spend going around the site to inspect. 

Though it seems cool to robot fans, researchers admit that Spot’s presence at the job site brings in mixed reactions. Many people want to know how Spot inspects their work. And just as Spot takes progress photos for documentation, the guys also take out their phones to take photos and videos of the robot.

On the other hand, Afsari also says some people are also wary of the Virginia Tech dog-like robot because they think they might take jobs away. Despite this notion, he says exploring the use of robots is surely a good learning process not just for Virginia Tech but also for the science community.

Spot the robot dog: dawn of the new era?

With Spot automating routine inspection for safer and better operations, many speculate whether it’s the dawn of a new era in construction. Will robots like Spot become a mainstay in construction and other projects that require frequent data capture?

There are many benefits, for sure. Dogs have long helped humans guard and protect real estate and even herd livestock. And though it doesn’t look like a realistic robot dog, the Virginia Tech dog-like robot takes simple property surveillance to the next level.

For instance, users can program Spot to perform autonomous missions in order to gather steady data. Also, the program can be set on repeat, thus saving more time and effort.

Users can also control the Virginia Tech dog-like robot remotely using a tablet app and built-in stereo cameras. As a result, the user wouldn’t need to micro-manage the robot for data gathering.

On top of its smart features, the robot can also carry and even power up to 14k kilos of inspection equipment. Though this may not be crucial for inspection tasks for the Virginia Tech dog-like robot, it’s surely a welcome add-on. 

Right now, various fields use Spot for various tasks. Aside from construction, it also proves useful in oil and gas, power, and mining, among many others.  

Is there a lowdown?

Using the Virginia Tech dog-like robot for construction surely seems to save time and effort. But is there a downside to using one at the site?

Just like any other tool, there are cons to balance the pros. As mentioned above, robots make people worry that they might lose their jobs, and for a good reason. Using a robot for tasks seems ideal for most situations with a tool that does the job well.

However, robot makers argue that robots will not leave people without a job. In fact, they only relieve humans of mundane tasks. And, as a result, humans can focus on much more crucial aspects of the project. Added to that, they can allot more time and effort to raise their skills and role in the project.

In the end, the responsibility to raise the plight of workers falls on the shoulders of companies. After all, a venture’s greatest asset is its team. And in terms of emotions and understanding the human condition, robots surely can’t replace people.

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