
Using Facebook Ads To Double Your Business



As a business owner, you know how challenging getting new customers can be. There are so many rabbit holes you can find yourself falling into – Google AdWords, Amazon ads, Bing ads, etc. Yet, these ads are expensive and do not even yield results at times. Facebook has over 3 Billion people on the planet that are on this social media platform. Imagine having a place the size of India and China at your fingertips to market. Facebook is constantly trying to acquire new members from around the world on the Internet to get on this mega social media platform, since only 40% of the world is on the internet. Facebook ads can take your business to the next step.

Over A Billion People To Choose From.

You can find your true prospective client, especially if you know your customer avatar to a tee. Most ads out there are not targeting specific demographics that are your customer. You need ads that are very specific at targeting key metrics, that it’s the customer that wants to buy your product.

Test Your Product Or Service In The Marketplace

There is an easy way to spend that same money to test out your business and see what works. You can test the market and gauge interest by advertising your product/service cheaply through Facebook Ads.  All you need to do is set the Facebook Ads spend Daily Limit and let it run. You won’t have to spend a whole lot of money in developing a marketing test budget, it’s easy and cheaper than hiring a company to conduct actual surveys. Facebook Ads are cheaper than your lunch, you can run an ad for less than 10 dollars/day.

You Can Target Your Customer

Using a particular region or location is huge if your service is specific to a certain demographic. If you know your customer is at a specific age group then there is no need to advertise a car product to a teenager. Targeting gender is another tactic. Your product/service can be marketed towards either men or women. Interests are the huge selling point that Facebook has as a marketer. Facebook does a good job with their algorithms to know what their users like. They keep track with the pages you like, the videos that you watch, and the posts that you read. It’s amazing how many different interests exists on the platform that you can go after, like targeting homeowners or a specific profession, since a job title is placed on the profile. You can market to doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc.


Facebook has this interesting and unique tool called a pixel. It will allow you to retarget those individuals that were not initially sure about your primary offer. You’ve been that individual for sure, you saw an offering and wanted to see more about it. However, you then clicked onto their marketing funnel and saw that maybe it wasn’t the perfect time for buying it. Target those individuals that once landed on your page. You need to set up this pixel of code on your marketing funnel, the pixel will learn what individuals clicked on and what part of your marketing funnel they are on. You can then reset targeting ads for pennies on the dollar to re-advertise to those individuals that were on your marketing funnel, but never bought your product or service. The pixel is an amazing tool that is able to retarget all those potential buyers that come in and have engaged interest in your product. Using the pixel to retarget those non-initially buying customers can easily make for higher conversions for your product/service for your business. Imagine how many conversions are being lost by using other ads like super expensive Google AdSense or Yelp Ads.

Track Conversions And Performance

Facebook does a wonderful job of showing you how many clicks that you have and the cost per click ratios of your ads currently to see how you can really change your copy to make sure that you have a lead. You must split test those ads to make sure that your advertising is on point and figure out what ads really do work well for your campaign that you have set. Setting up a marketing funnel is key when running Facebook Ads. Make sure to use a marketing funnel like Lead Pages or Click Funnels to ensure you are getting those leads and demographics, not just hoping the customer will just land on your page to mysteriously make a purchase. I can’t say how many times that I’ve run into clients that have an amazing product, but just want the consumer to mysteriously run into their page offering.

What we need to do is ease the customer into the purchase. It’d be great to have a world where customer just sees it and buys it. The premise is that you need to show the customer what the problem that you are trying to solve and educate the customer more on how your product is the solution.

Facebook Ads are the hidden gem of 2017 that are efficient, target a demographic, and are cheaper than your lunch. Facebook Ads and a strong marketing funnel will double your profits and conversions to lead towards an amazing business year for 2017.

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