
5 Simple Tweaks That Will Transform Your Mindset



No matter how hard we try and keep and eventually transform our mindset on the positive side, we sometimes find ourselves reverting to old ways. Negativity is the most significant barrier that prevents you from exploring your potential. And that’s completely understandable. With the pandemic, job instability, life uncertainties, and daily stressors we experience every day, having a poor mindset is sometimes the first thing we resort to.

And that’s okay, only if you decide to act on your poor mindset. A person’s character isn’t measured by the number of hardships they face. Instead, it’s measured by how they get past those hardships that make them better people. And it all boils down to mindset. Simple tweaks to transform your mindset will help you rise above every challenge and become a better person. Here are 5 to start with

1. Consider the positive in every bad situation

It can be easy to discourage yourself, especially when you’re stuck in a bad situation. But remember that true strength lies in every resolved problem. And one way you can get “unstuck” is to find the silver lining in every bad occurrence. You can’t solve negativity with negativity.

A situation would be if you lost your job recently and feel down in the dumps about it. This is totally normal behavior. But what’s not normal is when you don’t act on or do anything to better the situation. 

What you can do, though, is jot down all the positive things that can happen after losing your job. It might be an opportunity to finally let you do something you’ve put on the backburner. Or you may even have a better job offer once you go job hunting again. You know what they say when one door closes, another one opens. 

2. Don’t restrict yourself

People sometimes feel depressed about the things they don’t have that others have. For example, not having that nice car, that big house in a beautiful area in the city, or that dream job you’ve been pining over for years. 

Instead of saying, “I don’t have this,” add “yet” at the end to turn this statement into something more positive. Say, “I don’t have my dream job YET.” It’s a simple way to transform your mindset!

3. Be open to ideas

You must cultivate an open and curious mindset so you don’t stop yourself from progressing. One way to achieve this is to turn negative and restrained sentences into open ones. For example, you can say “Yes, and,” instead of “Yes, but.”

The former indicates that you’re more open to ideas, suggestions, and possibilities that are yet to come. While the latter already stops you from thinking about these opportunities, which feels discouraging.

4. Identify opportunities instead of obligations

When we deal with everyday house or office tasks, we often feel dreadful about having to start these tasks. Some of the reasons may be because we don’t enjoy doing these tasks anymore, or it could also be because these tasks stress us out. 

If you look at your to-do list and contemplate the tasks that you love doing, think about how great of a blessing this is. Instead of identifying this as an obligation, you can consider this a favorable circumstance that others won’t have. Once you transform your mindset to this, you’re on your way on having a better outlook on how you deal with opportunities.

5. Embrace failures

You must rise above every failure by changing your perspective about a bad situation or challenge. When people face difficulties, they can question why it happened to them and not to others. However, this mindset is already putting you further down in crisis mode. 

When facing difficulties, view the situation positively and think about how you can overcome this unscathed mentally and emotionally. Be grateful for how you can rise above the problem with more wisdom, knowledge, and upper hand when you experience the same challenge again.

And for other tips, stories, and news, read more here at Owner’s Mag!

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