
Threads vs. Twitter, what’s the difference?



Threads isn’t just a buzzword making waves online these days. Meta Platforms has created this Instagram subsidy that works like Twitter; unsurprisingly, people love it! The app garnered over 100 million signups within five days after launching last July 2023. On the flip side, Twitter reached over 100 million users six years after launching in 2006. To date, Twitter now has over 330 million active users.

Meanwhile, Threads is slowly gaining popularity and accolades from netizens over Twitter. But what are the differences between Threads and Twitter? Find out in this Threads vs. Twitter comparison guide. 

Threads vs. Twitter differences

While both social media networks work similarly, a few nuances divide users. Twitter and Threads let users post brief text status updates that may or may not include links, videos, or images. Both platforms also allow users to interact with others and engage in posts. The only significant difference between Threads and Twitter is the privacy controls. On top of that, here are some Threads vs Twitter differences:

Privacy controls

The most apparent difference between Threads and Twitter is the privacy controls. Twitter posts are for the public, meaning people who follow you will see your tweets. People who also don’t follow you on Twitter may see your posts. 

On the other hand, Threads is focused more on privacy. Although it’s a social media app, Threads strongly emphasizes privacy. Threads are shared with a close group of friends only, and users can customize who can engage with their posts. 

Character length

Another Threads vs. Twitter difference is the character length for text posts. Twitter limits tweets to up to 280 characters. Meanwhile, Threads lets users posts text statuses of up to 500 characters.


The structure also differentiates both social media networks. While both social sharing platforms let users post text content, Twitter’s post structure is more concisesuccinct. That said, followers will find tweets more easily digestible because they’re shorter. 

Conversely, Threads allows up to 500 characters. However, one unique feature of this app is it automatically creates a new thread if your post goes beyond 500 characters. This means following posts on Threads is easier as users can fully grasp the narrative since posts are interconnected. Threads offers a more immersive engagement experience for followers. 


You can see tweets from others you don’t follow on Twitter. You can still view and engage with their posts even if there is no common connection between you and the tweet starter. 

Meanwhile, Threads emphasizes close friends lists. You can share current activities, updates, videos, and images with a smaller list of friends. Threads allows for more intimate engagement and interaction with followers, while Twitter is built for more public sharing. 

Direct messaging

Finding someone on Twitter and sending them a direct message is easy. Twitter has a direct message option where you can click one button and send a private message directly. However, Threads currently doesn’t have a direct message feature. But you can message someone with a Threads account via Instagram. 

Since Threads requires an Instagram account before signing up, you can find them on IG and message them. Anyone who signs up for Threads must carry the same Instagram handle. Once you’re on the Threads app, you will find the Instagram camera icon at the top of the app’s interface. Click that, and it will direct you to the Threads user’s Instagram profile. 


Twitter lets you interact with anyone with a Twitter profile. Twitter users can follow brands, celebrities, organizations, or individuals they’re interested in. Once you download the Threads app, you’ll be asked to follow the same Instagram followers. However, you can customize this by doing it manually. You can tap on the Instagram user’s profile and hit “Follow.”


Every tweet on Twitter can be liked, replied to, or retweeted. Like Twitter, Threads lets users engage with threads by replying to threads or resharing. The only difference is Threads allows users and followers to engage with an entire thread instead of one tweet.


As for the topics you can post on both platforms, users have full control over what content they want to share. Before Elon Musk rebranded Twitter to X, the platform was a social media network for announcements, product launching, news updates, link sharing, and personal opinions. 

Conversely, Threads is used more for personal stories, activities, in-depth topics, tutorials, etc. Threads is more for personal updates than anything else. 


Tweets can go viral quickly and are searchable within the platform. Through keywords, many users who don’t follow a particular Twitter user can see their posts when their inquiries match the content. That said, Twitter posts can go viral easily and quickly. 

Meanwhile, Threads posts may spread slower than Twitter posts. Because Threads focuses more on private and more intimate sharing, threads don’t gain visibility and traction faster than tweets. 


Another Threads vs. Twitter difference that might turn users away from the newest social media app is accessibility. Twitter is an independent app that can be accessed on mobile phones and desktops. 

Its counterpart can only be accessed via mobile since it lacks full-fledged web support. It’s also an Instagram subsidiary, meaning everything is linked to your Instagram account. 

Which platform is right for you? 

Choosing the most suitable platform for sharing content depends on your preference. If you want a more intimate expression of thoughts and ideas, Threads is your social media app. However, if you want a social media channel that leans more towards recent events, tech, news topics, and business, Twitter, now known as X, is a better platform. 

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