
The Intersection of Art and Technology



Most Americans are familiar with a streamlined education.  We know that if we’re good at math or at art or sports in elementary school, by the time we reach college we can predict what direction we’ll be pushed to study.  Often these subjects tend to be rather polarized.  Stereotypes follow these disciplines.  The person we think of as an artist contrasts greatly from the person we imagine to be a physicist.  We don’t commonly see these areas of study as sharing any middle ground; if one were to visualize how much area of their vin diagrams would overlap you wouldn’t think fashion and algebra would share that much in common.

This is not to say that it never happens.  Back in elementary school, it may have seemed impossible to imagine how art and math & science could have any commonalities.  The two seemed stubbornly different in not only their prerogatives as subjects, but also by how they are studied and the people who study them.

However we are amongst a change.  With the speed of technology evolving exponentially, so does the evolution of other subjects, very particularly art & design.  Long gone are the days when an artist was defined by a wooden palette and their muscle memory with a pen or a brush.  The transition from tactile skill to digital skill is one that has transformed the subject of art into a more versatile, refined, and fast-paced in all that it produces.

These changes in subjects are not parallel, but intertwined.  The co-evolution of subjects like science and art are being woven into something new: it’s beauty does not exist simply within aesthetic but extends also into the elegance of the function it creates.  This intersection between art and technology is one of many knots woven amongst all evolving subjects.  By marrying all disciplines, what we create is the fabric of humanity.

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