
How to Create Memorable Social Media Branding



With so many marketers and brands vying for attention on social media, your branding must stand out amidst the competition. People remember brands that are relatable and purposeful on top of their stellar products and services. And creating compelling and memorable social media branding is the only way to capture audiences and gain loyal customers. Here’s how to create one. 

What is Social Media Branding?

Social media branding is the process of actively shaping your brand’s story, promise, and offers that contribute to how people perceive your brand. Brands and marketers shape their branding on social media by creating brand awareness through strategic marketing methods. 

A clearly defined and well-executed social media branding allows companies to better connect with their target audience. It creates a tight connection and bond that also improves a brand’s reputation, increasing the number of loyal patrons. 

One of the most effective social media branding strategies is to increase brand awareness through well-curated posts and visuals. Shaping and identifying strong branding on social media prevents marketers from wasting time and money on ineffective strategies.

Why is Social Media Branding Important?

Social media is a robust platform that helps improve and strengthen your branding. Since it’s a highly competitive platform, your content must be top-notch. One of the ways to gain loyal customers is by offering valuable, relevant, and entertaining content on social media. 

Of course, other channels like your website, outdoor advertising mediums, and emails do a bang-up job sharing your brand’s story. However, social media plays a vital role in brand awareness. In 2022, social media ad spending amounted to approximately 230 billion U.S. dollars. It’s also forecasted to reach around 300 billion by 2024. 

Apart from social media being one of the common avenues for marketers, here are reasons why social media helps in branding:

Promotes brand recall fast

Your brand could quickly go viral on social media if you know how to communicate with your audience. Going viral could mean half of the world’s population will instantly recognize your brand online. This promotes brand recall, achieving brand stardom overnight. In return, this instills top-of-mind awareness.

Establishes a unified brand personality

It’s best to stay consistent when building your social media branding. That way, your brand becomes timeless and recognizable. Establishing a unified brand personality within your organization will make it easier for your marketing team to craft persuasive visuals and copy. 

Prevents confusion within your target audience

Your social media branding is a marriage of your brand strategy and identity. It comprises your visuals, vision, mission, principles, beliefs, practices, service quality, and all elements that make your brand remarkable. Once you tell social media users of your brand’s story, those who can relate will distinguish you from your competitors. 

Moreover, consistent branding and identity will also prevent confusion among current and new followers. And this is why it’s crucial to shaping your branding carefully and thoughtfully. 

Tips on Building a Memorable Brand on Social Media

Building your brand on social media is one way to make your branding memorable and recognizable. Here are some tips on how to build your brand on social media:

1. Know your target audience

Identifying your target audience is beneficial when building your social media branding. This will help your marketing team create relevant social media posts and advertisements. You need to understand your audience’s pain points and know how your brand caters to those pain points. 

2. Start with essential assets

Next is to craft the visuals and messaging that goes with your branding. You need the right foundational elements that people will recognize and relate to. The first is to ensure your logo conveys what your brand is all about. 

Secondly, you must ensure that your brand message is clear and communicates your brand’s core values. According to studies, consumers prefer brands with aligned purposes and values. 

Finally, make your brand voice stand out on social media. With so many brands competing for attention, your voice could be the hook that lures new customers. It must be distinct, motivational, entertaining, and strong.

3. Share your compelling brand story

People love good storytelling. And this is where you can keep your target audience riveted for new updates about your brand. Share your brand story in creative ways. You can post behind-the-scene snippets or share a video of how your company started. Videos do a stellar job of sharing your story in the most immersive and entertaining way. Also, you can feature some of your best employees every once in a while. 

4. Keep it consistent

The last thing you want is to confuse your audience with your branding. Keep it consistent on social media and all brand assets, like your websites, marketing collaterals, brochures, etc. Consistency refers to staying within your brand kit guidelines, like using your brand colors, language, and overall style. Moreover, consistency also pertains to posting regularly, so your followers will always have something to look forward to. 

5. Add a personal touch

People hate being sold to. They prefer an advertising strategy highlighting benefits and how these resolve their pain points instead of overly pitching your offers. So stop with the corporate talk and add a personal touch to make consumers see your brand in a different light. Being conversational keeps your social media branding strong and as human as possible. 

6. Create quality visuals

High-quality visuals are the icing on the cake. These complement your unique brand story in ways other advertising assets couldn’t. Your visuals speak a lot about your brand’s quality. Poor visuals mean your brand isn’t exerting effort in communicating and connecting with your audience. 

The only way to make social media users stop scrolling is to hook them with professional, relevant, and quality visuals. However, this can be challenging due to changing consumer behavior and declining attention span. Work with professionals to create the most compelling social media marketing designs.


Social media branding is vital on such a cut-throat and hectic platform. But every brand has the potential to shine, provided that they follow these tips creating solid branding on social media. Once you gain a strong followership, don’t forget to track performance and metrics to modify future marketing strategies.

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