
Rapyd Wants You To ‘Hack The Galaxy’



What does a fintech-as-a-service company have to do with space tourism? As of today, everything. I’ll let “space icon” William Shatner explain:

Rapyd, a payment platform that inserts fintech services into any app and simplifies the complex offering of local payment methods, is offering a chance to win a chance to visit space. Hack The Galaxy is a series of puzzles and hackathons for developers to win tickets to ride to the edge of space in the “carbon neutralSpace Perspective Spaceship Neutral. 

So, if you’re a developer, Hack The Galaxy gives you a chance to join an exclusive club: the ‘I saw the edge of space’ club.

Wait, How In The Hell Is It ‘Carbon Neutral?’

So, it’s not, like, 100% carbon neutral, okay? But it’s pretty damn close. 

Spaceship Neptune is a capsule hooked to a space balloon, a technology used by NASA for decades. Like a weather balloon, but for space. It takes three hours to reach the edge of space, and another three to return to Earth. 

It’s basically the most leisurely ride to space you could imagine. Instead of being shot into space on a rocket like some kind of science experiment, you can have yourself a cocktail and gently float through our atmosphere. 

Now doesn’t that look like a lovely way to travel to space? All cozied up with slippers, a blanket, with what appears to be an herb garden delightfully wafting scents into the air? Would you rather that, or be strapped down and slingshot into outer space while pissing yourself? 

360 degrees, 450 miles each direction, all while relaxing in a cool, comfortable lounge? Sounds pretty leisurely, don’t ya think?

What Does A Fintech Company Have To Do With Space Tourism?

Founded in 2015, Rapyd is the world’s largest local payments network. They provide APIs that help integrate local payments and fintech capabilities. The fast-rising company enables c-commerce merchants, gig platforms, online lenders, traditional banks, and more to “break free” of their traditional infrastructures and adapt to a new way of exchanging money. 

Notable investors include IKEA, Uber, Rappi, Paysafe, hotsmart, and more. Rapyd is unifying fragmented payment systems by bringing together 900+ payment methods in over 100 countries. 

Now, what the hell does that have to do with space tourism? In short: it’s f*cking cool, man. The answer that Rapyd Global Head of Marketing Strategy and Operations Brendan Miller gave me was more or less about how their technology will be critical as space travel technology develops.  

Which… sure, fine. That’s an answer, I guess. The world of Star Trek has a pretty seamless currency system from planet to planet. Why can’t Rapyd be at the forefront? 

The real answer is that Rapyd wants to expand its developer community. Hack The Galaxy is a fun, engaging way to join Rapyd. And if the biggest prize is a chance to leisurely float to the heavens, why not join? 

Where Can I Sign Up?

Starting today, challenges will be posted in the Rapyd Developer Community every week through October 3. Members have a chance to compete in 42 challenges. Each solution will reveal a password unlocking an entry to win tickets to board Spaceship Neptune. 

Three individual winners will be announced on July 11, September 2, and October 14 (plus one winning hackathon team named the Galaxy’s Greatest Fintech Developer) will have the opportunity for this once-in-a-lifetime trip to the edge of space. 

Sign up right here

Other prizes include $130,000 and a galaxy (wink, wink) of other prizes. This isn’t just a chance to grace space with your presence, this is also a chance to join a thriving, exciting community of developers. With Rapyd, you can learn and collaborate in this launching pad for creativity and success. 

So, what’s up? Can you Hack The Galaxy?

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