
How To Cater To The Introverts In The Office



Employees are the backbone of a company. Introverts contribute greatly to the business even if you don’t see them clamoring for attention or mingling with investors. If you run a small or big business, there is always a chance of running into an introvert employee. According to research, over 50% of individuals are introverts even though many them force themselves to act as extroverts.

Introverts are usually associated with quiet or reflective personalities. They usually do well in computer programming, software development, consulting and psychology probably because they require a quiet working atmosphere. Here are ways you can create an introvert-friendly office.

Avoid Unnecessary Surprises

Introverts like to have adequate time to prepare for everything work-related. This means that they don’t like unnecessary surprises like last-minute meetings, or being thrown a project on the fly. As much as possible, schedule meetings or presentations ahead of time to give introverted team members time to prepare. You can also invite them to have input on scheduling to make them feel more comfortable. By giving them the ball they will feel confident when it’s their time to shoot it.

Give Face Time

Employees who are introverts are not shy or hesitant to voice their opinion. They just want to do it in a more private setting. A one-on-one setting allows employees to set the agenda which allows introverts to feel more comfortable when it comes to sharing their ideas and concerns.

Introverts should not be mistaken for shy people. Shy people are awkward, worried or tense during social encounters. Introverts are not shy. On the contrary, they can be sociable especially in the right circumstances. An introvert is an individual who gains energy from being alone because they like introspection and solitude.

Allow Them To Personalize Their Workspace

The workspace should be a safe haven for introverts. While many employers allow their employees to personalize their workspace, this is even more important to introverts. By letting them surround their workspace with things they love or find comfortable, you are giving them a safe space where they can escape and maybe pretend that they are in their own safe haven and not in the workplace surrounded by so many people. In case of an open floor plan office, provide quite enclaves where introverts can recharge and be by themselves or a semi-private area for solo work.

Respect their Space

Introverts perform best when they are left alone to work. In this connection, you have to learn to trust them once you’ve set the deadline. However, this does not mean to say that you can’t check on progress from time to time. Instead of dropping on them unannounced or demanding for a progress report on the spot, you can avoid frustration from everybody involved by scheduling check-ins at different intervals. Respecting their space and trusting introverts to do the assigned work to them will make them feel more comfortable and can greatly improve their self confidence which can lead to better productivity.

Challenge With Detail Oriented Projects

According to studies, introverts excel in problem solving and strategizing. Keep them happy and challenged by assigning detailed, analysis-heavy assignments. Give them a time-frame with regular check-ins and autonomy and watch your introverted employees deliver top notch report. However, you also have to remember that in order to achieve the best results; you also have to give your employees the right environment to accomplish this kind of job. If they want peace, seclusion and privacy, you should give it to them so that they can deliver accordingly.

More than anything, it is always best to talk to your introverted employees. Finding out how they prefer to work and incorporating their ideas to your workplace can help them function better, become more efficient and productive. All companies function and perform better when their employees are happy and satisfied with their work.

Taking into account your introverted employees’ ideas can be very beneficial to your organization. Whatever industry you are in, it is in your company’s best interest to play to their strengths instead of overlooking them. Using the above mentioned strategies can be a starting point to creating an introvert-friendly environment in your office.

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