
Meet Astro The Home Robot



Looks like we’re closer to a real-life Rosie the Robot. Amazon is launching its first household robot, Astro, to a select audience. Powered by smart home technology, Astro patrols your home like an adorable little security guard. You have the option to remote control it when you’re away, and it will send you a notification if it spots something suspicious. 

Astro is a bold move by Amazon, but a logical step given its expertise in robots and desire to become more integrated into consumers’ daily lives.” – Ben Wood, chief analyst at CCS Insight. 

Rosie the Robot and WALL-E Rolled Into One Astro

This real-life WALL-E (but clean) is Amazon’s first step into the home robot market we will likely see in the coming years. Astro’s features are simple but very cool. It has a periscope camera that pops from its head, and can be set with “out of bounds” or “do not disturb” features. 

Astro can even beatbox on command if you so choose. Frankly, if it could sing “Model of a Modern Major General” in perfect pitch, that would be more impressive than the overdone and dry beatboxing we’ve been bombarded with by tech companies trying to be all hip and cool. 

Beatboxing is only impressive when a human does it. It’s not impressive when a robot does it. Please stop it. It’s enough. 


Another feature of Astro is one such innovation last seen on riding mowers: a cupholder. Now, you can put drinks in Astro’s back so it can deliver it to someone in the other room. Because we don’t want to, you know, have to get up to grab a drink. 

Take that, Michelle Obama with your “Let’s Move!” campaign. 

A Spicy Little Pepperbot

This is not the first time a household robot has been introduced to the market. Remember Pepper? It’s like that but less creepy and potentially a success. 

What kind of name is “Pepper” for a robot anyway? Unless she’s got a “spicy” attitude, she has no business being named Pepper. 

The cupholder compartment can do more than just hold cups. It can also hold… want to take a guess? 

That’s right! A blood pressure monitor!

Huh, you ask? That’s random? Sure it is, but before you let me continue being snarky, that’s actually a great idea. For the elderly or enfeebled, a robot that can track a loved one’s blood pressure is critical for proper care. That neat feature, combined with the remote control and video chat features makes for a constructive innovation as we develop new ways to care for homebound folks. 

Astro’s Limitations

There are, however, things Astro cannot do. It cannot lift or grab things, because it has no arms. Astro cannot climb stairs, because it only has three wheels. It cannot take over the world, presumably because it hasn’t developed the will … yet. 

Astro is currently priced at $999.99 for those super special exclusive customers. After that sale, the price will jump to a healthy $1,449.99. So, you better hope Amazon thinks you’re cool enough to invite you to buy their robot. They don’t want to face the embarrassment of the Amazon Fire Phone.

Remember that? Of course you don’t. Nobody does. Because nobody bought them. 

Astro is a pretty cool innovation to come out of Amazon. Echo turned out to be pretty popular, and Astro seems pretty in line with those developments. Frankly, the more robots we have around doing things for us while looking cute, the cooler our world might be. 

Or it might all be destroyed in nuclear fire. Only time will tell. First things first…
Alexa! Get me an invitation to buy an Astro!

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