
Marketing Tactics That Might Be Scaring Your Customer



Scaring away customers is a real fear among businesses. When you’re an entrepreneur, the goal is to attract customers so that you can convert them into sales. Unfortunately, there are online tactics that could be keeping your leads from converting into sales. Samsung’s exploding Galaxy Note 7 is a big blow to the cellphone giant. Volkswagen’s dubious emission results have resulted in losses for the company. These two are just a few examples of marketing gone wrong. Here are some marketing mistakes you could be making.


Unfriendly Web Design

When a new customer lands on your website, you want it to be easy for them to figure out how to navigate it. According to research, unfriendly web design is one of the reasons why customers do not linger on your website. To avoid dissatisfied guests, make sure that everything is easy to find. It is also best to have a FAQ section so that common questions can be answered easily. Make your call to action button clear and attractive. Prices and description of products should also be clear to avoid confusion.


Not Mobile Friendly

As the use of smartphones becomes more widespread, people are going to access the internet more and more using these devices. If your website is not mobile friendly and slow to load, your customers might get impatient and visit your competitor’s website instead. Studies show that your website has to load in less than 5 seconds, or the customer leaves and goes somewhere else. Mobile ready websites are essentially pared-down versions of the original, which makes them load faster and fit in smaller screens.


Complicated Password Requirement

Most e-commerce sites require customers to register in order to facilitate the purchase process. Many customers are alright with this because having an account gives easier access. The problem is when you require your customers to give complicated passwords. Customers appreciate the security, but this is a double-edged sword. Your customers will forget passwords that are too complicated. One way to combat this is to use social media logins. This way, they have fewer passwords to remember and can share purchases on social media, which for you is a form of free advertising.


Poor Delivery Time and Options

One of the reasons why people shop online is the convenience. Free shipping is a good way to tempt customers, but studies show that fast delivery time outweighs it. Remember, online shopping is all about convenience.  A study from Dotcom Distribution states that 87% of online purchase decision is based on delivery time. Offer good and reliable delivery if you want to keep customers.


Inadequate Customer Service

Sometimes, the sale is not finished once the customer receives the item. There are instances where they will need additional information or assistance. Make sure you have live chat support, telephone support or even email. You might not need all of them but your customer might need 1 kind. Customers want a variety of choices for customer service. Remember that you want your customers to have a good experience when visiting your website because a bad experience could permanently turn them off.

Taking care of existing customers and attracting new ones is the very reason why businesses engage in marketing. Reinvigorate your marketing strategy by considering the tips stated above.

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