
Kim Kardashian “Taken Out Of Context,” Apparently



Remember Kim Kardashian’s super helpful advice? It was hard to miss it. I know we’ve got a land war in Europe and an increasingly radical Republican party trying to overthrow democracy

But, guys, Kim Kardashian said something!

Get your f**king ass up and work.”

“It seems like nobody wants to work these days.

It was inspirational, motivating, and not-at-all tone-deaf. 

The statement went viral – par for the course for a Kardashian – and everyone had a take. Most of them negative. 

In a clip from an upcoming interview with ABC, Kim Kardashian clarified her viral quote:

It wasn’t a blanket statement towards women.”

“I’m really sorry if it was received that way.” 

K. Thanks for clarifying, Kim. 

In all seriousness, who was actually upset by her motivational ass-kicking? Within the context, here’s what she actually meant: 

That advice that I would give is having a social media presence and being on a reality show does not mean overnight success.

“You have to really work hard to get there even if it may seem like it’s easy.” 

Remember Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt? No? Probably because they didn’t get their f**king asses up and work. 

Kim Kardashian is absolutely right in her assessment. She is also pretty privileged. You can be both privileged and savvy. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. 

Judi Dench Needs To Work Harder

At the 94th Academy Awards, hosts Wanda Sykes and Regina Hall, made a joke at Dame Judi Dench’s expense. 

I swear it’s related, just roll with me here. 

Dame Judi Dench, thankfully, didn’t smack the sh!t out of them. That wouldn’t be very dame-like of her. 

You know when your quote is used as a mediocre throwaway joke at the Oscars you’ve sunk to a sad level of parody. 

The next day is when the clip of Kim’s explanation was released. 

Kim K is a Master of Marketing

Kim Kardashian has a new show to promote, nerds. Do you think she’s not going to do some viral marketing? Get real, she has kids to spoil and later exploit for entertainment. 

Anyone who got upset or had a take on Kim’s silly, little quote is just feeding the monster. You are giving the Kardashians exactly what they want and need: your opinionated attention

Kim Kardashian is especially talented at this. No matter what Kim does, she manages to get her name out there. For better or for worse, you are hearing about Kim Kardashian. It ain’t an insignificant talent. 

Remember “Break the internet?” How about her selfies as her sister was being taken to jail? Anything Kim Kardashian does prompts a reaction from the masses. 

To her credit, it’s clear that she does work incredibly hard. Anyone who can turn a sex tape into a media empire has got to have some level of credible savvy. Everyone who has doubted or dismissed Kim has had to sit and watch her become worth $1.8 Billion. 

When people like Kim Kardashian make these outlandish quotes, or when a comedian makes an offensive joke, there’s only one real way to handle it if you don’t like it: Ignore it. 

If you want to shut down a voice in the entertainment industry that you don’t like, you don’t get upset and tweet, you pay it no mind. Controversy sells – when you react, you’re feeding the beast. 

So, the next time you hear a celebrity’s opinion or joke that rubs you the wrong way, ask yourself, “are they counting on my reaction?

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