
iOS 11 Review: What You Need To Know Before And After You Update Your Phone



There are two types of Apple users: the individuals that get excited for new product releases like the announcement on September 12th (iPhoneX, iPhone 8 and 8Plus, Apple Series 3, and Apple TV 4k) and then the obsessive nerds that can not wait to sink their teeth on new software.

Well, I hate to admit this, but I am without a doubt more excited about the launch of iOS 11, than I am the release of the new iPhone X (pronounced ten). To me, software has always made Apple, Apple. With the latest release of iOS 11, my overall review is resounding thumbs up, BUT with just one major concern that leaves me concerned for the future of Apple.

But first, let’s discuss what you need to know before updating to iOS11:

DO NOT update your phone until you perform an iCloud back up.

My inner Apple employee name tag is currently on and I personally would be remised if I didn’t mention that before you do any type of major update, you must first back up your phone. That means that you have to:

  1. Go into your settings
  2. Tap on your picture on the top of the settings
  3. Find the iCloud menu bar and tap
  4. Scroll down to iCloud Back up and tap
  5. Tap on Back Up Now

This process should usually take about 10-15 minutes, but I have seen instances where it’s taken more than an hour. This process is critical and you should always be safe than sorry!

Once you’re backed up, it’s time to update to iOS 11! Once complete you are met with a screen that looks familiar to you, however your eyes and mind know that something is different. Here is my home screen:

App Store Redesign

One of Apple’s biggest marketing pushes during the keynote was the redesign of the App Store. Although the design is pleasing, ask yourself this question: “When was the last time I downloaded a new app?” The biggest win for me as a user is having Apple tell me what to download. I always felt that the older layouts were overwhelming and I didn’t quite know how or what to download. Now, the layout is clean, it requires very little thinking and overall is giving me the sensation to want to read more.



This will soon be my favorite app. Although iCloud Drive had an existing app and this essentially just took the place of this app. This is a clear indication to the future of Apple’s ecosystem. Wireless connectivity between your Mac, iPhone, and iPad will add a seamless experience. The ability to tap on the app and to see your files from iCloud (your computer), Dropbox, and even Google Drive. I almost cried opening the app.

Control Center

My opinion on this is currently TDB or “to be determined.” It will be hard to give a complete review without using iOS on your phone for the next few days or weeks. Although aesthetically the new control center options look great, we will see if it’s functional. Personally, I can see why Apple is doing what they are doing. They are shifting us to a world filled of less thinking and more action. They are forcing us to use their internal apps and not have to download outside apps to do the core essential tasks that the iPhone gives you. (Ie. No need for calculator app, alarm, notes, and I am sure more to come)


Alexa has been my main girl for a while now, so I am curious to see if my mind and body will use Siri more often. Siri has always been that one service that I never quite used properly, but I can legitimately see how Siri is now a life saver. Although there are apps for this, the fact that Siri can now translate my native language of English into a different language is critical. It’s critical for travel, but more importantly to further expand friendships in surrounding countries. Gone are the days where we can not communicate with one another. We now have our phones to guide us.

The Future of Apple

It’s been 10 years since the first iPhone and the company has made such a substantial impact on our society. I would like to highlight a small list of words that CEO of Apple Tim Cook said when releasing the iPhone X, (you can read my inspiration behind this section of the article here) he said: “iPhone X. This really is the future.” And although we as a society have yet to lay our mortal hands on this product, I can’t help but feel a bit sad and underwhelmed by the announcements. Yes, Face ID may change the way we use the iPhone, but we still need to use the iPhone. If the future means that we are still using our phones, then I personally don’t know if it’s a future I want to be apart of.

Now, I have been a loyal Apple fan boy for years. I even worked for the company back in 2013, but I can not sit here and act excited over a software that for the most part looks and feels the same way that my phone did 20 minutes ago.

Overall, the newest update that Apple has released is great, they always are, but they left me yet again wanting more. I hope that the next 10 years of Apple is more fast paced, more aggressive, and more innovative. One day, and not any day soon, but one day the cool kid on the block will get surpassed by the up and coming company that simply disrupts the space. That day has yet to be determined, but I am hopeful that day comes soon.

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