
Hacks To Ignore Distractions While Working



Interruptions and distractions while working are a part of life. You cannot be hundred percent attentive towards your work for the entire day. However, to increase productivity, you need to ignore certain distractions. Occasional interruption at your workplace is not that bad. It can break the monotony of your work and lets you breathe some fresh air. The constant flow of emails, text messages and social media can ruin your composure, and you cannot concentrate on your work. Then there is office gossip, nosy colleagues, and endless meetings. So, at the end of the day, you realize your productive hours are going down drastically. Here are some ways to reduce distractions and focus on your work.

Schedule your day

Schedule your important tasks ahead to avoid distractions while working. Plan your week on Sunday itself. The to-do lists are the best way to make you stay focused on your tasks and duties. If you know how many tasks you must complete by the end of the day, you can manage your time better. You cannot afford to waste time on usual chit-chat with your colleagues.

Block or hide distracting websites

Social networking can distract you all the time. So, remove your Facebook or Twitter Bookmark from your office computer. You can use a separate browser for your work. You can uninstall the social networking apps from your mobile. There are some apps available in the market that can hide or block the distracting websites and help you concentrate on your work.

Put your phone on silent mode

You cannot afford to leave your work and look at your mobile every time there is a new notification. Your phone is one of the biggest distractions while working. There are certain apps on the mobile that necessary and you cannot uninstall them. So, keep your mobile in silent mode and you can check it once in awhile.

Keep a track how you spend your time at work

Certain tasks need your immediate attention, and there are certain things that can be done later. You need to prioritize your work. There are mobile apps that can help you track the time you spend on each of the tasks. It can help you identify the time you have wasted in-between and plan things better.

Keep distance from distracting colleagues

In every office, you can find some talkative and inquisitive co-workers. To focus on your work, you need to keep a distance from these people. A good pair of headphones can come as a savior. If someone disturbs you with unnecessary questions, you can politely tell them that you are busy and will get back to them when you are done.

Increase your concentration

Regular meditation can help you focus on your work more. You need to control your brain to ignore all the outer distractions. If you can control your impulses, you can concentrate better and find inner peace.

Declutter your workspace

Keep your workspace clean and organized. Untidy spaces can distract you from your duties as you cannot find your things at the right time. You end up investing more energy cleaning your surroundings. A blank canvas can encourage you to concentrate on your work.

Keep some time for relaxation

An overtaxed brain gets distracted more. To increase your focus on your work, schedule some time of the day to relax. You need to forget all your worries. An hour of relaxation can cheer you up, and you perform better.

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