
Eight Best Tips on How to Motivate Your Team



Motivation is a key factor for many employees to stay in a company. You want top talents to remain in your company to keep it running and stay on track with your goals. And if you want to avoid losing more employees to The Great Resignation, here are tips on how to motivate your team.

Set Goals and Expectations

Setting goals is one of the foundations to help you motivate your team. You see, if you have goals in mind, you and your team can have something to work for and look forward to. That said, you can motivate your team and them with each other to accomplish these goals.

Aside from goals setting, you also want your expectations clearly communicated to your team. Make sure to give them clear information and allow them to ask questions regarding specific projects and tasks.

Communicate and Connect With Your Team

One of the first steps in motivating your team is communicating and connecting with them first. This helps you learn who they are. Keep in mind their working and communication styles. And it helps to observe how they work and interact with you and others. This way, you can personalize your motivational strategies with each individual.

Provide Feedback and Appreciation

Here’s how to motivate your team. Give them positive feedback and make them feel appreciated. Look at it this way, we like receiving good things or words from people at work. This boosts confidence and encourages them to keep working not only for themselves but also for the team.

Build a Positive and Healthy Working Environment

Aside from giving employees feedback and appreciation, show them that it’s worth working for your company by fostering a healthy and positive working environment. Many people have left because of toxic workplaces and employees. And if you have an environment that allows people to be themselves, put up boundaries, encourage others to pursue other things, etc., expect people to stay with your company.

In line with a positive or healthy working environment, one way to motivate employees is to have a work-life balance. One way to do this is working from home. It has become a standard in the office, allowing many employees to balance their work and personal life. Give them that option as well. One suggestion is to allow them to work at home on specific days or weeks, then let them come back to the office on certain days.

Encourage Autonomy

Micromanagement is a no-no for most employees. No one wants a team member or leader breathing down their neck all the time as they try to complete work. That’s why you should allow your team members to be independent and autonomous all the time. Aside from that, enable them to make decisions of their own too. It allows them to feel confident at work.

Allow Collaboration

This is in connection with autonomy too. Here’s one other tip on how to motivate your team: allow your team members to collaborate. Let them decide who they want to work together on certain tasks or projects. Or they could reach out to others from outside the team who can help them achieve their goals.

Offer Opportunities

Employees may stay longer in a company if they have various responsibilities. Give them opportunities to grow in your company by giving them new tasks or sign them up for seminars or workshops related to their role. You can even let them decide what opportunities are suited for career growth.

Give Them Clarity and Stability

Direction is key to motivating your employees. You want to make sure that other than the goals you want to achieve, make sure that you’re clear with what you want to happen. Plus, you want to secure stability. Promotions, arrangements, and support are some things you can do to provide stability in your company.

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