
How To Avoid Burnout



According to Ayala Pines and Elliot Aronson authors of Career Burnout: Causes and Cures; burnout is defined as “A state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by long term involvement in emotionally demanding situations” and psychologist Herbert J. Freudenberger describes it as “A state of fatigue or frustration brought about by devotion to a cause, way of life, or relationship that failed to produce the expected reward”. Taking these descriptions in mind, burnout in simple terms is a state of exhaustion and a sense of disillusionment.

Feeling exhausted and annoyed is common and many people often encounter these feelings at work or at home. But burnout goes deeper and there are just some days wherein you feel like throwing in the towel and just walking away. If you feel that you have signs of burnout, there are healthier ways of coping with it other than eating a pint of ice cream or bag of cookies. Here are some ways you can avoid burning out.

Get Fit

Following a fitness plan does not only help you stay healthy and keep off the pounds, but it can also keep you from burning out. Regular exercise helps release endorphins to the system, which is why you feel relaxed and accomplished after working out. It helps reduce stress levels in the body, plus makes you feel good that you are taking care of yourself physically.

Exercise also helps you sleep better at night. Good sleep can help your body repair itself after a stressful day so you feel rested and alert the next day, ready to tackle obstacles with a clear mind.

Job Analysis

Sometimes work can feel like running in a never ending treadmill. You feel like it’s a race and you’re never going to catch up. Feeling stressed frequently can lead to burn out. To avoid this, perform a job analysis so that you are clear on what is expected of you and you can prioritize what is important. When you know what to do, you can tackle projects more efficiently and delegate other tasks that aren’t important.

If you feel like you have more on your plate or if you’re taking on more work that you can handle then schedule a talk with your boss and discuss the issue privately. Let them know that the excessive workload is leading to your burn out. Be prepared to come up with ideas on how work can be delegated to somebody else.


Giving to others is an easy way to feel good. Sometimes all you need to brighten your soul is to help the less fortunate. Spending time in soup kitchens, senior homes or animal shelter can help you forget about your problems because you’re focusing on other things. You can ask your community for referrals to local places where volunteer work might be needed. Helping others is a good way to appreciate what you have and forget about how bad you have it.

Ask For Help

If you’re an I-can-do-it-by-myself sort of person, asking for help can be one of the hardest things you need to do if you want to avoid burnout. But asking for help does not mean to say you’re not resourceful or independent. Sometimes admitting that you need help is worth the embarrassment. Asking for help on a difficult project for instance can offer solutions you never thought of and can lead to the faster completion of the project. Help can also keep you from getting frustrated and save you from stress.

Laughter The Best Medicine

Humor helps keep stress and burnout away. Laughing or making others laugh can help lower stress levels and helps to relax you. When you’re laughing, you will find it hard to be negative or glum about work or home life. Entertaining negative thoughts or being frustrated is harder when you’re watching a funny clip or making others around you laugh. Avoid burnout by learning funny jokes or watching funny videos on the web and sharing them with co-workers.

Burnout can lead to a variety of health problems such as depression, heart disease and even substance abuse. If you are concerned about burning out, seek professional help before it can affect your personal and professional life.

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