
Having Haters Can Be Good For Business



We all know at least one person who is always on our case and have nothing positive to say, but always seem to know what you are up to. As annoying as these people are, we can use them to our advantage.

Here are some of the reasons why haters can actually be beneficial:

Use them to gauge your own success 

The more haters you have, the better! That just means more people are paying attention to what you are doing and may actually be jealous. Don’t get me wrong, we should not be doing things just to make people jealous, but realize that they are paying attention to you for a reason. That reason is most likely that you are doing something different or something successfully. Also remember that the number of supporters you have is likely growing at a higher rate than your haters are.

If you deal with them correctly, you build your own personality 

I always say that, other than my friends and family, my haters have shaped me into the man I am today. How you deal with hate and criticism is important in today’s world, unfortunately. It is the most difficult times in my life that have influenced me the most.

It’s so satisfying to prove them wrong 

I once told someone that I would be pursuing a leadership role. They responded negatively saying, “Are you sure? Can you handle that type of responsibility?” Lucky for me, that motivated me twice as much, and the following month, I took on the roll and killed it.

Cut through the noise 

Most of what a hater says is nonsense, but sometimes, they mistakenly tell you something that can help you. It is not always beneficial to completely tune the haters out. Unknowingly and (most certainly) unintentionally, they may let you in on a way to better yourself or your company. Use their criticism to your advantage.

“If you don’t have haters, you are doing something wrong.”

This is a widely shared quote. There are multiple versions of it but the idea is still the same. People get upset when you go against the grain. Don’t let them stop you.

“Haters gonna hate, taters gonna tate.” 

Don’t ever let it get you down. Brush it off and keep moving forward, because it’s in the nature of a hater to hate.


In reality, we do not need negative people in our lives. Life and work can be stressful enough, without having people say you can’t do this or you can’t do that. My advice is to cut as many haters as you can out of your life or avoid them if at all possible. That being said, when they are unavoidable, use them to your advantage.

If everyone who received criticism stopped what they were doing we would have no innovators!



This is a list of a few of the people who fought through criticism to become some of the most influential people in the world:

Benjamin Franklin, Inventor – Imagine what people thought about a man who thought he could make create light from electricity. He kept working and blocked out negativity. Now you see him on the $100 bill.

Stephen King, Author – His first book was rejected over 30 times. He went on to write The Shining, It, 11/22/63, and Misery. Many of his works went on to become movies and TV shows.

Walt Disney, Entrepreneur – You may have heard of his company. His first few cartoon characters, Mickey Mouse and the Three Little Pigs, were rejected when initially created!

Van Gogh, Artist – This artist struggled a lot during his life. He barely sold his paintings and became famous after death. People thought his work was terrible at the time, but you may know him as the creator of Starry Night, Café Terrace at Night, and his famous self-portrait.

Henry Ford, Innovator – He is the inventor of the first affordable car. He is also the founder of the Ford Motor Company. People considered his car a fad at the time. Boy, were they all wrong.

The Wright Brothers, Inventors – They are the aviation pioneers who built the first airplane. These guys thought that they could fly in the air like birds… how crazy!

JK Rowling, Author – Our dear friend Harry Potter may never have become a book or movie if Rowling didn’t keep pushing on. Her manuscript for the first book was rejected by multiple publications before someone picked it up.

Malala Yousafzai, Activist – Malala is a Pakistani schoolgirl, who fought for the right to education and equality for women. ISIS and the Taliban have threatened her life multiple times. At one point, she was even shot on her school bus. She didn’t stop. Malala is the youngest person to ever receive a Nobel Peace Prize.

Steve Jobs, Inventor – Did you know Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, was fired from the company in 1985? As we know, he later joined the company again and made it the powerhouse it is today.

Martin Luther King Jr., Activist – Martin Luther King Jr. faced a lot of criticism as the leader of the Civil Rights Movement. He fought for what he believed in and his words still ring true today.


Moral of the story, haters are going to be here no matter what you do. It is up to you to move forward and continue doing what makes you happy.

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