
8 Ways To Have More Fun At Work



Should “work” and “fun” be in the same sentence together? Cosmopolitan Magazine special projects director Laura Brounstein says, “Anything you enjoy, you’re naturally going to do a better job with and give more of yourself to, so making your job something you look forward to, rather than simply a responsibility, is essential.” Having fun at work can improve morale and encourage everyone to be more productive.

Some people are lucky to work on something they love to do. This is what makes it fun at work. If you love something that you do, it does not seem like work. The more connected you are to what you do, the more engaged you will become and the more fun you have while doing it. This is why finding ways to have fun at work is very important. Here are examples you can do in the workplace to have more fun.

1. Create Happiness-Boosting Traditions With Co-Workers

Remember in the movie Mean Girls where Wednesday is Wear-Something-Pink Day? A happiness-boosting tradition is similar to this concept. Gifting each other something funny every week or eating lunch together outside is a good way to boost happiness with co-workers.

2. Personalize Your Workspace

Most of us spend at least 8 hours a day in our cubicle working away. Personalizing it and making it fun will make you feel more comfortable because it will make the space truly yours. Put up inspirational quotes, family pictures, bring a plant or buy a fancy calendar. You can also make your desktop background a work of art that you admire, bring some cool bookends or jazz up your bulletin board with snazzy push pins. You can do lots of things to make your cubicle suck less.

3. Make it Feel Like Home

Your office is your home away from home and it should feel like it. Don’t be afraid to bring throw pillows, personal heaters or decorations to make it feel like home. Many employees need work-life balance and what better way to feel this way by feeling cozy and comfortable. For example, Red Bull’s Cape Town office has shag carpeting, a bar, open spaces and lots of lighting.

4. Laugh

It doesn’t have to be business all the time. You need to maintain professionalism but it does not mean to say that you can’t crack a joke or two at work. Laughing is a great way to release tension and let oxygen rich blood flow to the brain. This is why laughing makes you feel lighter. Have good sense when to crack a joke though. Co-workers might not appreciate it if they’re concentrating on something.

5. Compliment Somebody

Compliments can make somebody’s day. If a co-worker shared a really good idea or insight during a meeting, don’t be afraid to compliment them. It is not only fun, it also boosts their self-esteem and puts a smile on their face.

6. Create an Office Club

A softball team or a baking club is a good way to de-stress and socialize with co-workers. Aside from spending time together, these sorts of activities are fun and are a good way to foster team-work in the office. It also gives the team something to look forward to. If your office does not have a sports team or group, make one.

7. Play Rooms

Some companies have play rooms in the office. In Lego for example, play rooms are the norm. They are essentially spaces where adults play and have fun at work. This gives workers space not only to de-stress and relax but also space to get in touch with their creative side. Play rooms can encourage their creativity or replenish their inspiration.

8. Bring in The Green

Did you know that greenery is more relaxing and looking at it helps you to get rid of stress? You can have some fun and relax by adding some greenery to your inner office. You can have a section that has potted plants like succulents and other low-maintenance plants so that everybody can look at it to relax for a while. You can also take turns taking care of the plants for relaxation purposes.

Fun can help boost creative thinking and foster freedom of expression. Finding time to have fun and relax at work can help you become more productive and less stressed. Bottom line, everybody in the office should feel comfortable and finding ways to make company culture fun can help teams work better.

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