
Beers You Need To Try This Fall



If you’re anything like us, you like to drink. There is nothing better than after a hard day of work, but to open up a can, or bottle, or draft of your favorite beer! And now that fall is upon us, we wanted to give you a list of the beers you need to try this fall. As reviewers and beer enthusiasts, it’s our goal to give you beers that aren’t just the boring old pumpkin beers that you can find in your local pub. Instead, we have personally tried, tasted, and explored every beer mentioned in this blog. If you feel like we missed a beer, let us know and we can add it to our list:


Neshaminy Creek Brewing: Dunks Ferry Dunkelweizen

STYLE: Dunkelweizen

ABV: 5.2%

Why You Need It:

Think of yourself sitting on a bed of hay, while strolling through a field of pumpkins. That’s this beer, delivered in a can. The crew at Neshaminy killed it this year with their dunkleweizen. Their German style wheat beer has a unique after taste, with it’s blend of banana and clove, works perfect for a great casual beer this fall season. Neshaminy seems to always crush it with countless great beers, but to summarize fall in a can. This is your go to.


Philadelphia Brewing Company: Kenz O’ Lantern

STYLE: Pumpkin Ale

ABV: 4.5%

Why You Need It:

One of the best pumpkin beers on the planet, and the only pumpkin beer on this list. It has a great pumpkin taste that has a ton of spice and is overall a quality drink. Philadelphia Brewing continues to be one of the best breweries in the Philadelphia region with it’s simple approach to brewing. No further explanation needed, if you’re looking for a pumpkin beer, this is it.


Crime and Punishment Brewery: Mischief Night Porter

STYLE: Yam Beer

ABV: 7.2%

Why You Need It:

Ok. Maybe we lied a little, but we couldn’t pass up not putting this pumpkin ish style beer on the The Crime and Punishment team brew their Behemoth Oatmeal Stout and then condition it with Madagascar vanilla beans. All while blending the beautiful beer with additional cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, and ginger. It’s like if a chocolate cake and pumpkin pie had a baby. It’s not your traditional pumpkin flavor, but has all of the qualities of a pumpkin beer. It’s a limited release, but a must have this fall.


Yards Brewery: Rival IPA

STYLE: American IPA

ABV: 6.2%

Why You Need It: Silky smooth. This is a great beer that you can essentially drink all day. It’s not your typical overpowering IPA, it’s light, it’s agile, and you can never get sick of it. Paying respect to Stallone, this beer isn’t a punch to the gut. The branding on the bottle speaks for itself, it’s a beer that brings people together, and leaves those who don’t have it envious. Rival IPA is a limited release by the prestigious brewery. Get it now while you can.


Tonewood Brewing: Dreadnought Dunkel

STYLE: Dunkel Munich

ABV: 4.4%

Why You Need It:

Pours an amber brown color. With notes of dough, fruity, sweet malt, grains and other dunkel stuff! It’s a straight forward and drinkable beer. It’s great for non craft beer drinkers because it’s not an over powering beer. The mildly crisp finish is great way to start your day drinking extravaganza.


Jughandle Brewing Co.: Wet Hop Harvest Ale

STYLE: American Amber / Red

ABV: 4.8%

Why You Need It:

With the weather being a tad dry than it normally has been, the Wet Hop Harvest Ale provides a freshness that allows the hops to truly shine. Brewed with about 60 lbs of Chinook and Cascade hops, this is a great beer to drink on a dry fall afternoon with friends.


Spellbound Brewing: Bourbon Pumpkin

STYLE: Barrel Aged

ABV: 8.1%

Why You Need It:

ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THIS BEER!? This beer, is everything. Bourbon and Pumpkin. The beer goes down smooth and leaves you wanting more. At a whopping 8.1%, it’s more of a sipping beer, but a few of these bad boys, and that person at the office you’ve wanted to talk to for over three years, looks more appealing. The small local NJ brewery has been known for their IPA’s but their ability to continue to craft and experiment is inspiring.

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