Startup Central

Engineer Your Life Around Your Craft



As the New Year is approaching, many people have goals, ambitions, and motivations to go out and do something new. Maybe it’s something that they left behind in the previous year, or something that they said they were going to do, but never really did. They are “planning” on how they want to attack these goals in the New Year, sharing with others on how they plan on going about it and achieving it.

But, all of this planning, talking, and thinking is getting them nowhere. A harsh reality? Sort of, but a reality nonetheless. This post is going to touch upon exactly that – why planning and thinking gets you no where, and how preparation and action gets you somewhere. I’m going to break down how and why you need to engineer your life around your goals and ambitions, and start to prepare for success instead of planning how you’re going to try (a very dangerous word, by the way) to achieve what you want. If you really want something as bad as you say you do, engineer your life around it. Make it the reason you wake up, start your day, and get going. You rest when you know you gave it your everything, but until then, work at it tirelessly.

People speak about how they want to be the best at what they do, or how they want to achieve success in their craft, they often start it off as, “next week, I plan on…,” or “tomorrow, I plan to…” Why not right now, right this very moment? See, the first major aspect that many people lack when they’re trying to achieve their goals is the fact that they always put a delayed start time on things. They lack urgency. While you’re sitting there thinking, planning, and worrying about how you want to do something, someone else has already done it, and I say this from experience. If you really do want something, stop thinking about it and and do it. Sitting there talking with others about what you want to do and asking for their opinion is a waste of time When you let an outside view have so much influence on your idea, it can be dangerous. You’re planning too much around what someone else thinks of your idea. Preparing personally is completely different. Instead of thinking, asking, and listening to what OTHERS think you should do, you listen to YOUR instincts and just do it. You give it a brief thought, briefly weigh it out, then trust your gut and instincts to go ahead with it. Take trying to make it in a sport as a professional for example, it’s as simple as saying, “Here’s my strengths, here’s my weaknesses; I need to make sure my strengths are always in top form so no one can beat them, and I need to make sure that my weaknesses are at least at a level where I can compete with others.” If you’re lying to yourself you won’t achieve anything. Thought followed by immediate action is the best way to achieve your goals. Plan your days around how you work on your strengths and weaknesses.

Another problem with those who are planning for success is the fact that they lose sight of their end goal when the work gets tough. Let’s be honest, when the work gets harder than you can imagine and the challenges seem unachievable, most people throw in the towel. Know that it comes with only kind of achieving your end goals and only kind of getting what you want. You don’t become the best from kind of working hard at something or kind of giving it your all. You become the best at your craft by giving every last ounce of effort that you have. Know that your work ethic will get you wherever you want. When you commit to something that you want to be in your life for a good chunk of time, you must be able to say, “I can do this no matter what. It may take me years, but I’ll get it.” Know and expect that there will be hard work in your path when you’re working towards your end goal, but know that the reward is so great, that the hard work is worth it.

You need to engineer your day around achieving your end goal. Maybe you need to put in extra hours at the office and sacrifice time with friends or that special someone, or maybe it means giving up a Friday or Saturday night. Find an end goal that speaks to you, honestly and truly. Engineer your life around the end goal you want. Make sure you can say at the end of the day that you left no stone unturned.

I know how many of you love your sleep, I used to as well. But, there will be a point in time where one day you will wake up knowing that you want to work towards your goal. It’s that moment that you know what your gut is trying to tell you, and you instinctively do it. It shapes your character and teaches you how to make a decision, stick to it, and excel in whatever it is you choose to do.

In the simplest terms, it starts with your mindset. How you think, feel, talk, and act is dictated by you, no one else. If you tailor your life around your goals, take immediate action, hold the vision, trust the process, and make the sacrifices, you can do whatever it is that you want. It’s like Kobe Bryant said, “We all can be masters at our craft, but you have to make a choice. What I mean by that is, there are inherent sacrifices that come along with that. Family time, hanging out with friends, being a great friend, being a great son, nephew, whatever the case may be. There are sacrifices that come along with making that decision.” Engineer your life around your definition of greatness.

Wishing you the most success.

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