
Easy And Quick Office Workouts



Being dedicated towards your profession is definitely rewarding, but not at the cost of your health. Nowadays, a majority of office spaces are restricted, and the employees hardly get any time to make required physical movements. This is one of the major reasons obesity and other related health issues are rising. Apart from weight gain, employees also complain of a host of other health problems like back pain, dry eyes, painful wrists, and stiff neck. Sitting and working for long hours usually results in the loss of muscle tone and increase in stress. However, you can combat the negative effects of this kind of 9-to-5 routine.

Exercising is a MUST to stay fit. No matter how much you diet, the result will not be satisfactory if physical movement is not happening. But where is the time? Well, with a little planning, you can squeeze out few minutes for exercise between your work schedules. This motive to stay fit would actually make you more productive and your office atmosphere health conscious.


This is the easiest possible exercise that you can do at your desk. It can be done from head to toe, and it starts with the neck.

  •       Slowly tilt your head towards your each shoulder and then backward. Do this on both sides at least five times. Hold on to the position for ten seconds each time. Next, you can loosen up the shoulders by rolling them in circular motions at-least ten times and feel the flexibility. Do the same with your wrists; roll them up clockwise and counterclockwise.
  •       Next, stretch out your palm and push it downwards. While pulling your index finger upwards, hold on for three seconds and repeat with both hands. This creates tension in the muscles and relieve you from the numbness in your fingers.
  •       Calf muscles get painful and numb after sitting at one position for long hours. You can hold one foot away from the floor, keeping the leg straight. Point down your ankle exposing your toes upwards. Then, extend the ankle by pointing your toes downwards. Do this ten times and repeat with both legs.


Chair squats are the best way to strengthen your body sitting at one position. You can do a few every time you sit down on your chair after a short break.

  •       Stand tall and keep your back straight. Then, squat as if you are sitting on an imaginary chair. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then stand back to the earlier position. This is a great leg toning exercise.
  •       This one is for a sitting position. You need to cross one leg over the other and rise slightly from the floor level. There should be an alternate pressure; top leg pushing down, leg beneath pushing up, etc. Repeat until the muscles are refreshed!

Here are some more tips to keep working out in office –

  1. Always use the staircase unless you feel tired or sick.
  2. Make sure to drink water (at least four liters) during intervals.
  3. Do eye exercises at least once in two hours if your work requires constant computer usage. Roll your eyeballs in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction.
  4. Develop the habit of walking fast instead of running.

These exercises in office will help you to stay away from body aches and the ill-effects of prolonged physically inactive posture.

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