
Converting Social Media Followers And Likes Into Dollars And Cents



We live in an age where every business has a digital footprint. When building a brand, one of the best places to start is social media. But, how can you use social media for a business? We are often consumed with the addiction to the number of followers, but really, it’s about the engagement with your audience that will help you build a loyal audience. It is more beneficial to have 5000 followers that are actively engaging than 50,000 followers with only a few hundred engaged. With the rise of influencer marketing, it’s easy to see who is able to create valuable content and who is posting just to post. When you have a strong personal brand, people will want to connect with you as much as you want to connect with them. We got in touch with Connor Gallic, Marketing Manager for HYPR Brands. Connor was a social media manager when Facebook first started and has over 6 years of marketing experience. Now, he teaches people how to be successful on social media and how to create content that is relevant. He shares his advice on the importance of having a social media presence and how to do it right.

How can businesses convert followers and likes into dollars and cents?

It’s often stated, but one of the sure-fire ways to convert followers into dollars is “Authenticity”.  People follow your brand because they want to know what your business is about and they aren’t going to make purchases if you brand doesn’t seem real. You also have to give your customers content that is beneficial to them. Don’t just overload them with sales materials, give them good content that they can remember you by. Social media is about staying top of mind.

In 2017, how can a strong social media presence be beneficial to a business?

I think at this point, it is a fact that a social media presence is essential to have as a business. Customers are no longer just checking google, they are looking at Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest to know more about your business. Think about when you go to order from a new restaurant, you check out the website first to see what’s on the menu, then you are going to check Instagram or Facebook to see if the food looks good or what the reviews say. If a business isn’t on social media in 2017, they won’t be a business for long.

How can a business tell their story using a social media platform like Instagram?

As a business owner you shouldn’t be asking if you can use Instagram to tell your story. You should be asking what story do you want to tell? What do you want your customers to know about you? Instagram enables them to give customers a glimpse into what is happening behind the scenes and what is really important to the business. Share those pictures of an employee’s birthday event you had, post the goofy photo of the CEO. The key is sharing a story.

No human being is ordinary, so how can you become extraordinary using social media?

If you want to become extraordinary using social media, you are going to ask yourself what do you want to be known for? Do you want to be known as a photographer, pick up a camera and start taking pictures and posting. You want to be the best business consultant, you have to start writing. If you want to become extraordinary, you are going to have to work hard. Social media has leveled the playing field, but you still have to hone your craft to become extraordinary.

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