
Benefits Of Having Dogs At The Office



Taking along your furry friend to your workplace is not a distant dream anymore. Many offices are becoming pet-friendly. This is not an amusing fact, but a well-researched one. A dog can give you a bit of relief when you are completely tied-up with your work. If the pet is well-trained and perfectly healthy, you can take your dog in your office. If your co-workers are open to the idea of keeping a pet in the office, and the building authorities permit pets, then no one can hold you back. Here are the benefits of having dogs in your workplace:

Relieves stress

An active dog is an instant mood-booster. You feel relieved when you see the lively eyes of your pet. If you play with your dog for a few minutes, you get back the strength to work with high-efficiency. Anyone can have a rough day at the office. If a cute-looking Labrador or St. Bernard is there, you can overcome negativity almost instantly.

Helps in team-rapport

Dogs can act as a bonding factor for the team in the workplace. In some offices, people do not get along very easily. A dog can immediately change the environment. It melts the ice and everyone starts sharing their thoughts about keeping a pet. A friendly dog can bring everyone together. A pet can be a great topic as a conversation-starter. Even a new employee can settle down quickly in the new environment when a gentle-looking dog is there.

Reduce absentees

If pet-owners can come to work along with their pets, it becomes a huge relief for them. They can concentrate better on their work and perform well. Pets can feel lonely and bored and often fall sick when they are left alone at home. Workers may find different excuses to skip work to be with their pets. If they can bring their pets, they work peacefully and do not take frequent leaves.

Encourages healthy living

In most offices, employees are stuck for hours on their laptops. Sitting constantly for hours and looking at the screen can have adverse effects on the health of the workforce. If there is an office dog, the employees can take the dog for a walk. They can also share the responsibility of taking care of the dog. It will encourage them to stay active and happy in the workplace.

Dogs make the place more human

A dog or cat can completely change the plastic environment of the workplaces. People become so engrossed in their work, that they slowly ignore their human feelings for each other. Frequent dog petting or cuddling can help people come out of their robot-like situations in the office.

Pets stimulate creativity

Pets can provide natural pauses in workflow. The small breaks allow the human brain to relax and think outside-the-box. Pets allow you to relieve stress and think creatively. The more time you spend with your canine friend, the more relaxed you feel. A calm and fresh mind always bring the best idea in the workplace.


To increase the productivity and happiness of your employees, dogs can play an important role. You can arrange some training for the office people if they want a furry friend in the office premises.

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