
How To Save A Digital Copy of Your Vaccination Card



With a global effort to curb the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), having a digital vaccination card copy is a crucial step that will prove vital in traveling and accessing services. 

During the onset of COVID-19, some experts assumed having immunity passports or digital vaccine passport files. It is, after all, crucial for the government to monitor who has been inoculated as they’re relying on herd immunity to stop the spread of the virus. 

But just how vital is it to make sure that you have a digital vaccination card ready when you need it? For one, it would be essential if you’re planning to travel anytime soon, whether for work or pleasure.

While the White House said in April that it would not require mandatory federal COVID vaccination passports to protect citizens’ privacy and rights, some countries may require proof of COVID vaccination. 

For instance, the European Union is introducing a vaccine passport to its 27 member nations. Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland are also included. A person with the certificate is exempt from undergoing a test or quarantine when crossing EU borders.

Israel, on the other hand, has a green pass system. Under the system, only vaccinated residents or those who show negative test results are allowed to attend large events.

Though there’s no federal COVID vaccine passport USA in place, it’s important to have a digital vaccination card prepared. Doing so can save a lot of effort and energy whenever employers, businesses, or venue operators ask for one for various reasons.

Here are ways to get proof of vaccination ready whenever you need it.

Digital Vaccine Passport App

One of the easiest ways to check covid vaccine records is through an app, just like those used in other countries. However, there are states that use apps for easy checking of health records.

For instance, New York has a system for giving proof of COVID-19 vaccine or a negative test result, known as Excelsior Pass. Designed by IBM, various venues are already using the system, including Yankee Stadium.

This system allows you to print the pass from the web portal or store it through a wallet app on your smartphone.

Digital Vaccination Card iOS and Android

One way to keep a soft copy of your vaccine card is to take a photo of it. Any camera phone will do, but make sure that the shot is clear. That said, it’s best to take a photo in a well-lit place and as straight as you can. In addition to that, you also need to make sure that you capture the QR code clearly enough that it can be captured by QR scanners.

To make sure that your photo is clear enough, use another phone with a QR scanner to test the file. If you can’t seem to take a clear photo, scanning the card will be a safer choice. Run the card through the scanner or printer with scanning capabilities and send the file to your phone.

For iOS Users

Here’s another way to save a vaccine card if you’re using an iPhone. Go to the Notes app and create a note. Press the camera button and choose to scan documents. After scanning the card’s front and back, pin the file on top of your notes list for easy access.

For Android Users

If you’re using an android phone or device, you can use the Google Drive app to save your vaccine card. Long press the Drive icon to reveal the Scan feature. Press Scan and take a photo of your card. You can also download the image on your phone by pressing “Make available offline.”

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