
Democratic Candidate Smokes Marijuana In Ad



Marijuana has had quite the reputation rehab over the past decade. It used to be that a political candidate would be ruined if caught smoking marijuana. Now, a Democratic candidate smokes marijuana in an official political ad. 

Progressive activist Gary Chambers Jr. is running for U.S. Senate in Louisiana. His decision to smoke the good stuff on camera is the natural progression of the Democrat Party’s shifting position on marijuana laws. 

A Pew Research Center survey found that 91% of Americans believed that marijuana should be legal for both medical and recreational usage. 

91% of Americans agree on something? What? 

Every 37 Seconds

Black people are four times more likely to be arrested for marijuana laws than white people. States waste $3.7 billion enforcing marijuana laws every year.

The time to update marijuana laws is way past due. Some cities and states have made important changes to those laws. States such as Louisiana have made such changes in recent years. 

Louisiana legalized smokable medical marijuana under certain conditions. Last year, the state decriminalized possession of up to 14 grams. And The New Orleans City Council pardoned 10,000 cases of marijuana possession for anyone convicted after 2010. 

It only makes sense that a Democratic candidate smokes marijuana in their first political ad. Why wouldn’t they?

I hope this ad works to not only destigmatize the use of marijuana but also forces a new conversation that creates the pathway to legalize this beneficial drug and forgive those who were arrested due to outdated ideology.” 

Stay tuned to see more candidates in the coming years smoking weed on camera.

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