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Cats Hold Blender Hostage Outsmarting Fur-Parents



Jessica Gerson-Neeves and her spouse, Nikii, are too excited to use their new Vitamix blender. The most anticipated Black Friday item has recently become essential in their kitchen. But the problem is: they can’t unpack it. The couple’s three cats hold blender as hostage for several weeks.

“The blender arrived in the mail on December 16. I brought it inside and put the box down on the kitchen floor for a few seconds. And that was one month ago.,” Gerson-Neeves said.

The cardboard box has become the subject of a standoff at Geerson-Neeves’ home in British Columbia, Canada. Their turf war has garnered thousands of followers on social media.

Updates on the Trio’s Facebook Page

Geerson-Neeves has posted updates on the cats’ Facebook page (warning: language). It’s where their hilariously formal changing of the guard and misadventures involving the most-coveted box are posted. Likewise, it documented the trio’s every move, and their humans failed attempts to disrupt them.

Let’s meet the trending trio. The youngest troublemaker is Max, alias “sentient soccer ball.” Then there’s George, Destroyer of and known as “sentient potato.” The third is Lando Calrissian, a “questionably sentient dust bunny.”

The cats’ Facebook page has grown from 64 followers to 51,000, as people worldwide learn about the story.

But Geerson-Neeves emphasized that the cats are not holding Vitamix hostage in a phone interview. Well, they could lift them off the box anytime. But she said they are not in a hurry to end the battle since it provides some much-needed humor.

“Of course, we could relocate them because they aren’t heavy. It would be easy to choose whoever is on the box and transfer the cats to the floor. That way, we can finally open the box. Why would we end something that is giving us laughter? The trio is having a good time. And lots of people are enjoying this, too”, Gerson-Neeves added.

She wrote jokingly in the first post that she would provide updates if the stalemate continues. And followers of the cat’s Facebook page keep her to that promise, even as days turned into weeks.

Followers and Vitamix offered solution

Gerson-Neeves says it’s not unusual for her cats to explore new objects brought inside the house. They gradually lose interest. But for some reason, this blender box has held their attention. So, that’s how cats hold blender as a hostage.

Commenters have suggested some action plans to the owners. Some humorously suggested tunneling underneath the box to recover the blender. Others urged them to buy three more blenders.

Gerson-Neeves realized it could use four boxes instead of buying four blenders. So, she wrote the company, thinking it would amuse its social media manager.

Vitamix itself responded and sent the couple three empty boxes.

They filled the first box with blankets and clothes and put it in the kitchen. Gerson-Neeves said that there is a chance that once all the boxes are set up, there will be an opportunity for a blender rescue.

Of course, the clash can’t go on forever. When that day arrives, what will be Gerson-Neeves’ first Vitamix recipe? A margarita, she said.

For other stories, read more here at Owner’s Mag!

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