
Cartoon Duck NFTs Save Farm



Georgia residents Thorne Melcher and Mandy Musselwhite own a homestead outside of Atlanta. They’ve made a home for themselves, their six ducks, two geese, and other animals at the property. 

After Melcher lost her job as a software engineer, the couple quickly fell behind on their mortgage. 

I knew we had to do something. We really didn’t want to lose this property. We love it here. The animals love it here.

When your back’s against the wall and you have a home to save, what do you do? 

Do you accept the reality and move? Apply for a loan and dig deeper into debt? Chain yourself to the property and resist? Hire the Pixar writers to come up with a heartwarming solution? 

We saved our farm by selling cartoon ducks.” 

“It was like a fever dream. They immediately started going so fast. I couldn’t sleep until they were all gone.

“Our lives changed overnight.” 

Wait. Hold Up. Rewind. Cartoon Ducks Saved The Farm?! What?!

No, Scrooge McDuck didn’t drain his money pool into Melcher and Musselwhite’s backyard. They created Dastardly Ducks, a collection of 10,000 cartoon duck nonfungible tokens (NFTs) generated by code with unique combinations of over 100 different traits. 

In less than six hours, the couple earned $120,000. 

What are you doing with your life? 

Melcher and Musselwhite owed $35,587 in mortgage back-payments. They had until the end of the week to give a check to their lawyer or they’d have to appear in court. You don’t have to do simple math to know if they made the payments on time. 

We were really broke. And then, hours later, we had more money than we’d ever had at once.” 

Dastardly Ducks Origin Story

The concept for what ended up saving Melcher and Musselwhite’s dream home began in early January. 

It felt like we started a start-up and launched our first product, from conception to release, in under two weeks.

“It was kind of intense how fast that all came together.

Melcher’s coding experience as a software engineer combined with Musselwhite’s talent as a graphic designer made for a good mix. 

It was the perfect fusion of our talents.”

Considering that couple raises ducks on their farm, it only makes sense they serve as the inspiration. 

Now that NFTs have saved a farm, are they more than a flash in the pan?

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