
How Blogging Can Be Beneficial For your Business



How do you blog for your business? When you start a business, you immediately hope that people will notice you and start buying your products or service. In a perfect world, getting noticed would be easy. However, in the real world, businesses have to deal with many competitors, which is why getting noticed by potential customers is very important.

If you’re looking for ways to market your business, you’ve probably heard about blogging. Here are some ways it can be beneficial to those starting their businesses.

Drive Traffic To Your Website

When you’re writing a blog for your business, one of the main benefits is driving traffic directly to your website. If you have a website you can get people to visit it by having people to type your address on the browser, but this is for people who already know about your site. You can send people email blasts, or you can pay for advertising but that’s too expensive. So how do you get them to go to your site? By blogging about it of course! Here’s how it works.

Your website has a ton of pages that you don’t update often. Blogging solves this problem. Every time you post a blog, it gets indexed in search engines. When your blog gets indexed, it is another opportunity for your website to show up in search engines and drive traffic to your website.

Sharing your blog via social media is another way for people to get to know about your website. Every time you write a post, share it in Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn to boost your presence by widening your audience.

Convert Traffic To Lead

Now that you have traffic coming to your website through your blog, you can convert this traffic into leads.A blog for your business can one day gain traction and generate leads for you. When you write a blog post, it gets indexed by search engines, which is another opportunity to convert traffic into leads. You can do this by adding an attractive call to action in your blog post.

Basically, a call-to-action button is an exchange of information. Visitor reads the blog and clicks on call to action button. Once the button is clicked, it goes to a landing page where they are asked to fill up a form.

This is how traffic is converted into leads for your sale team. However, not everybody will click on that call to action button, but that’s alright. Your goal here is to improve your conversion benchmark through regular blogging.

Establish Your Authority

If you consistently create content that is useful or valuable to your readers, you become an authority of the subject in their eyes. This is particularly advantageous for people who are selling services. Your blog for your business can have a big impact when you clear an important issue.

Some prospects might be reading your blog post to answer common questions regarding a problem, and you happen to have a blog about it. They will then approach your sales team with confidence, because they know that these people will be able to help them. Prospects will also become more educated about your product or service ,which makes the conversion easier for both parties. Lastly, sales people themselves will be able to find answers to questions in your blog post, which in turn will make them more educated. When prospects ask questions, they will be able to do so with confidence.

Blogging helps businesses, because it can help them get indexed through search engines. By sharing your blog posts in social media you can capture a wider audience and hopefully convert traffic into leads. But aside from this, blogging has a long term effect, because even if you don’t generate leads and sales through your posts daily, your blog and website can get indexed in search engines.

1 Comment

  1. Andrew Crowther

    June 5, 2018 at 4:18 am

    This is fantastic & it does work!.
    My website has moved up in google organic search over the last eight weeks & i am not a writer or a professional blogger. Check my website to see if you can see how i could do better. 👍

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