
These Snacks Will Make You The Best Boss EVER! (They’re also cheap)



No one wants to work hungry, especially at 3 PM on a Tuesday. Eating affects your productivity when you’re bored or stressed. Having snacks available creates a happier and hard-working environment that employees would love to be in. Be the hero at the office by providing your staff with some options to avoid that midday slump.

Greek Yogurt

High in calcium and protein, Greek yogurt covers the healthy bases while filling you with delicious goodness. Maple Hill Creamery Greek yogurt is organic and comes in a wide variety of blended fruit flavors.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is an energy-packed, high protein food. It will keep you fueled throughout the day, and is versatile with many of your other snacks like apples or the classic peanut butter and jelly.

Fruit and Nuts

Try some fruit if you are craving something sweet without breaking your diet. Keep fruits like oranges, apples, and pears near you, so you create a habit of reaching for something healthy. A handful of nuts provide a healthy source of fiber, healthy fats, and protein. Nuts can be made into a trail mix by adding dried fruits and maybe even some chocolate chips!

Peanut Butter & Chocolate Spread

If you’re craving for a bit of chocolate, this spread by Vermont Peanut Butter is deliciously satisfying. The sweet and savory mix is a bit sinful but still packed with 10g of protein per serving. Indulge a little!


Make your own cheese plate at work for a snack that is low maintenance and delicious. Add some fruits, nuts, or meats to have more variation in flavors.

Protein Bars

If you are trying to stay in shape but craving a snack, reach for a protein bar. B-Up protein bars are high in protein & fiber and low sugar & carbs without the extra sodium. B-Up protein bars are also gluten-free!

Almond Butter

Spread on top of a rice cake, almond butter is an amazing addition to your snack drawer. Almond Butter has an abundance of protein and healthy fats, so it is diet-friendly!

Drinkable Yogurt

Take the amazing taste of yogurt, and make it drinkable! Perfectly convenient during your busy day, drinkable yogurt will satisfy any cravings you may have.

Hot Chocolate

Whoever thought hot chocolate is only for the cold months must not have tried it at 3 PM on a Wednesday in the office. A little bit of sweetness goes a long way when you’re typing away in front of a computer all day.

String Cheese

Enjoy cheese without having to chop it up. String cheese was delicious when we were kids, and it is still tasty now. String cheese comes in a variety of flavors, so you have plenty to choose from!


If you are not a coffee person, give the tea a try! Tea will give you that extra boost you need in the morning and afternoon, right when you need it.

Dried Fruit

Easy to eat and naturally delicious, dried fruit is a perfect choice for the office. It lasts a long time, so you don’t have to worry about it spoiling. Dried fruit is a great source of energy for that afternoon pick me up.

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