Startup Central

How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur



I learned first hand that starting your own successful business is the same as any day job – you are only successful when you show up and put in the necessary time and work. For years, I worked for others as an employee, until the day I decided to take a leap of faith and opened my own business. What I discovered was that when you become an entrepreneur you get to make your own rules along the way and have fun while doing it!

Whatever product or service your business may offer, here are a few tips I wish someone had shared with me when I ventured down my entrepreneurial journey:

Find Your Passion

This is one of the biggest factors that attributed to my success. You need it, because there will be blood, sweat and tears (sometimes quite literally) to see your business through. For me, I was inspired from my childhood in Colombia to create bright and beautiful jewelry and handbags. Because I was so motivated, it was easy to dive in and work hard. I suggest sitting down and taking the time to find out what opportunities excite you and find a way to incorporate those into a future career.

Overcome Adversity With Resilience

I started my company after going through a tough time in my life. I stayed resilient and eventually overcame the rough patches with hard work, dedication and determination. I knew if I wanted to succeed, I was going to have to adopt a confident attitude and push through any obstacles that came my way. When you start your business, there will be lots of challenges, but if you have a good attitude you can accomplish anything!

Maintain Balance

Mental breaks and time with your family will ultimately make you so much better in your work. I created my business with this in mind and also set it up to empower other women to start their own businesses through our social selling model with a focus on maintaining balance in their lives by setting their own work schedules.

Mentor Others

You learn new things about yourself and your business by leading others down their own paths. For me, this comes in the form of working with our hundreds of consultants around the country to guide their own life-changing business under our corporate umbrella.

Continue Evaluating Your Model

I started selling my fashion line through traditional retailers. After some soul searching and a lot of research I refocused on direct sales – seeing the potential in the $30 billion industry behind 82%  of women in America who make more than $100,000 a year. Always reconsider shifts in your approach and never stop seeking out new information to guide your decisions.

Have A Support System

You’ll need it! Along with a strong personal network, build your business with professional support. As a social selling company, our consultants have a built-in close-knit network of support from other women who are always there for each other in all aspects of life. It’s something that empowers me personally and I hear feedback from our consultants all the time about the impact this has on their lives and careers.

Create A Network Of Referrals

One of the easiest ways to grow your business is through referrals. Consider asking your current customers and supporters to spread the word about your brand, and give them a reward for bringing in new traffic. This simple yet strategic move will help you increase customer loyalty, brand credibility, and reach.

Give Back

My favorite thing about owning my own business is that I have the opportunity to give back and donate to causes I am very passionate about. Think about making an annual company donation to a charity or contributing a percent of proceeds from one of your products to a nonprofit you care about. Giving back is good for the soul, but it also promotes goodwill among your customers and fans.

Above All, Remember To Have Fun!

I make a point to have fun every day at my job and at home. Following your dreams can be stressful but it is also a huge blessing to be able to pursue a passion for a living. If I ever feel overworked or stressed out I try to stop and unwind for 10-15 mins. Playing a mindless game or taking a mini-nap revitalizes me and allows me to continue working hard the rest of the day, while continuing to enjoy what I do!

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