
Tips To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain



There are lots of parties going on during the holidays, so it can be hard to keep track of how much you’re eating. The downside to all the parties and food is weight gain. According to studies, the average adult can gain up to 1.7 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years. If adults put on 2.2 pounds annually, this means that 75% of the weight gain occur during the holidays. The study also shows that the added weight sticks around the following year. Luckily, there are ways to avoid gaining weight during the holidays. Here are some tips to consider to avoid the weight gain trap.

Limit Alcohol

Not many people realize that alcoholic drinks contain plenty of calories. For example, a 12 ounce beer has 140 calories while a 5 ounce of wine has 100. It all doesn’t seem much when you limit yourself to a bottle or two, but if you’re going to be hitting many parties, it can all add up. A good rule of thumb is to limit yourself to a bottle of beer or glass of wine per party. Take your time, and sip instead of guzzling.

Beware The Buffet

Think of the buffet as a menu. When you’re in a restaurant, you don’t order the whole menu, right? Instead of loading everything in sight onto your plate, scan your choices and select a few. If you really can’t resist tasting everything, take small portions only.

Eat Slowly

It is also a good idea to eat slowly. Don’t gobble your food, and take time to savor the flavors. Research shows that people who eat slowly consume less food. Chew and swallow each mouthful slowly and chat between bites.

Ask For Seconds

We know you’re trying not to gain weight, but a good way to outsmart food pushers is to ask for seconds. Many hosts pressure guests to eat more. Instead of giving in and overstuffing yourself, ask for seconds and get just a small portion. This way you flatter your host, but your waistline does not expand.

Don’t Starve Yourself

One of the reasons why we overeat during the holidays is due to starvation. We starve ourselves before a party and think we can indulge. What happens is overindulgence instead of eating in moderation. We tend to overcompensate, because we’re hungry and think we deserve it since we skipped a meal.

Enjoy Your Favorites

Instead of depriving yourself of your favorite holiday food, be honest and eat some. Declaring a certain food as off limits will only result in overindulging, frustration, and rebellion. Enjoy some in moderate amounts instead of denying yourself the treat.

Be Active

The best way to avoid weight gain during the holidays is to stay active. Continue to exercise or go to the gym. We know you’re going to be extra busy but keeping active can burn calories, keep you slim and fit, and fight stress.


Keep the extra pounds away by staying hydrated. Your body gets confused with thirst and hunger. Try to get at least 8 glasses per day to feel full and to keep hydration levels up.  

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