
These Anti MLM Communities Are Saving People



If you’ve ever been unfortunate enough to stumble into an MLM community online, you know that they can be a breeding ground for toxicity. But a new wave of anti-MLM communities is popping up and it’s a breath of fresh air.

These communities are filled with people using their platforms to warn others about these dangerous schemes. They’re also a support system for those who are still in the thick of it and they’re trying to find a way out.

If you’re curious about Multi Level Marketing, or you’re looking for an escape, check out these four communities. 


I just love Reddit. It provides a window into just about any subculture, no matter how obscure, and connects you with like-minded people from around the globe. It’s honestly the easiest place to find communities with shared interests.

r/antiMLM is just one of the many communities Reddit has to offer. People will post discussions, pictures, and screenshots showcasing the horror of MLMs. The content ranges from lighthearted and funny, to downright sad. Either way, everyone here has the same idea: MLMs are harmful and predatory. Should anyone come across this subreddit, they’ll be way less likely to fall for a pyramid scheme. And by subscribing to said subreddit, they are nearly eliminating all possibilities of going anywhere near an MLM. Subscribers of r/antiMLM are familiar with popular MLM companies, their tactics, and the red flags within the direct marketing industry.  They are quicker to identify this type of scam. 

The Anti-MLM Coalition

From The Anti MLM Coalition

This website is an absolute GODSEND. The Anti-MLM Coalition is an incredible organization filled with educational materials and various resources. You can tell from the homepage alone that they mean business. 

The menu bar provides 8 main website pages. The “Homepage “is filled with their latest articles and a search bar to navigate. “MLM Master List” is exactly what it sounds like: a list of all the known MLM companies in existence. The “MLM or Not?” page brings users to a long article detailing how to spot your typical pyramid scheme.

“Get Help” is a page filled with helpful information. It’s for people who have a loved one trapped in an MLM, or people who wanna take action against these companies. Each link leads to a detailed article on the subject. 

The “Resources” page is a shoutout to various authors, YouTubers, and documentaries. It helps anyone who’s trying to do further research. They have a page dedicated to a very shareable infographic; a great tactic to spread the word around fast. 

The “Activism” page provides a guideline on where and how to take action. They recommend printing cards, reporting, and exposing MLM corporations on social media. The more buzz, the better. 

And of course, they have a “Contact” page in case you need to get in touch.

MLM Lies Exposed

Looking for more places to discuss your anti-MLM sentiments? Or just looking for general help without the hassle? Well, here’s the biggest anti-MLM Facebook group. MLM Lies Exposed is an invite-only community with over 30,000 members. It’s a lot like r/antiMLM, in that you can post things involving the false promises and skeevy behavior behind MLMs. I’d recommend this page to anyone who’s more familiar with Facebook, or finds it easier to navigate than Reddit.

Anti- MLM Youtube

Now, hear me out. This is not an official community, but if you’re a regular on Youtube, you’ll know that there are different genres of videos. And each of these genres has garnered its own distinct communities.

They’re kinda like cliques. You’ve got gamer bro YouTubers at one table, and you’ve got beauty influencers at another table. You’ve got commentary Youtubers sitting somewhere near the true crime Youtubers and the podcast channels. Somewhere in the corner, you’ve got the anti-MLM spaces. These YouTubers dedicate their channels to spreading awareness about MLMs and other shady corporate behavior. 

Popular YouTube channels include Hannah Alonzo, iilluminaughtii, NOT THE GOOD GIRL,  and Kiki Chanel 

MLM companies often pretend to be a revolutionary force changing the world and their own lives. In truth, they’re just making their distributors continue a cycle of unhappiness and financial ruin. These are the communities that help people who’ve been duped by these false hopes to move on with their lives.

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