
All the Crazy Things That Happened in 2020



Writing all the crazy things that 2020 had brought us felt like creating a timeline for a binge-worthy series. One would re-think, “Wait. Did that happen? Are you sure?” The year flew by the entire world like a whirlwind. One thing for sure— it left us overwhelmed. Let’s chronologically go over all the crazy things that happened in 2020.

Literal Year of Fire (January-December)

The year started with a blaze. To be more precise, the Australian bushfire continued to burn from 2019 entering to 2020. As the new year enters, the skies turned red due to the ongoing fire, setting a mood perfect for an apocalyptic movie scene. However, this is the harsh reality, with real-life casualties. Of course, just the worst way to start the year. Furthermore, as if creating a domino chain of reaction, a wildfire started in California. After February’s first incident, wildfires ablaze different counties throughout 2020.

The Pandemic That Shook the World (January-December)

We’ve got to admit that the earliest cases of Covid-19 didn’t alarm us that much. Back to 2019, where we are all still oblivious as we enjoy our lives. The jokes on us as the virus caught us unprepared. Shocking? Not really. From the crazy ‘home remedies’ to fake news, the public’s misinformation exchange did not help. This pandemic instilled fear in our minds urging us to take action. Our year-long battle with the virus left us changing everything around us.

Massive Panic Buying (February)

The coronavirus outbreak caused the whole world to stockpile basic needs. 2020 is a year where the essential goods section gets wiped clean, while toilet paper becomes the hot new currency in some countries. People are in a crazy hoarding frenzy, eventually resulting in a Lysol shortage. Yep, anything to cope with fear.

World on Lockdown (February-December)

Our lives suddenly had a pause button after the worldwide lockdown. Different ways to spend all the free time suddenly became a trending topic. On another note, owners put their heads together to plan a pandemic proof business. Some even started a post-pandemic business like handmade facemask or potted plants.

Crashing Dow (March)

Diving is fun, but not if it’s about the stock market. The DJIA recorded the largest point plunge last March, closely following the world’s lockdown. Looking on the bright side, at least everyone’s safe inside?

Aliens Confirmed By the Government (April)

Remember that moment when the government released not one but three UFO videos? After the first leak of the videos, everyone was quick to claim it as a UFO. The Pentagon released videos of unexplained aerial phenomena. Admittedly, they wanted to clear up the ongoing debate whether the leak was real. We’ll take that as a confirmation for aliens, thank you.

Murder Hornets (May)

Murder hornets, almost like a title for a new action-packed thriller movie, debuted in the U.S. last May. Ever since its sighting, scientists embarked on a full hunt to eradicate the insects. Right, cause prevention is better than cure. Authorities sure did a great job as the ‘murder hornets’ kills up to 50 people per year in Japan. Good thing we avoided that lethal threat.

That Crazy Baby Name (May)

Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, just created the craziest baby name with his partner Grimes. Everyone tilted their heads as the couple announced their baby boy’s name as X Æ A-12. Our first thought, “Cute. How do I pronounce that?” Thankfully, Musk saved us from using our brain cells as he explains it as X Ash A-12. It’s crazy in the most inventive way. In the end, to each his own.

Parallel Universe Hoax (May)

The long debate of having a multiverse resurfaced to the public after hearing a parallel universe where time flows backward exists next to ours. This news sparked curious minds resulting in articles after articles armored with thought-provoking content. However, numerous experts debunked the claim by explaining facts. Right, just a cold splash of reality for our sci-fi filled minds.

Locust Invasion (June)

Another natural disaster that seems like a blockbuster movie, invaded India’s capital, coined as the worst in decades. India’s response team had a hard time containing the swarmageddon, affecting almost half-dozen states.

Wearing Mask Becomes a Political Issue (July)

Half into the year, everyone is tired of all the crazy things in the first half of 2020. Numerous public meltdown and adult tantrum videos appeared one by one, enough to create a compilation. These anti-mask individuals claim it is their right, claiming to have breathing problems. One customer even called a store’s employees “democratic pigs.” Only in 2020 where masks get dragged into a political debate. Classy.

Missing Star (July)

The bright crystal blue star that the astronomers have been studying for two decades pulled a disappearing act. As the star quietly makes its exit, experts were left delightedly scratching their heads. After all, stars always leave with a bang.

Mysterious Seed Package (July)

As if visited by a seed fairy, unsolicited seed packages appeared in mails across 30 states. However, the mysterious packs look like a part of a brushing scam.

Firenado in California (August)

By this time, we’re all aware of 2020’s crazy schemes, for August— it’s a burning hot surprise. A rare fire tornado was spotted near a fire in California. Most people must have scratched their heads as they watched the news. One thing we learned from this: fire tornados are real.

An Extraterrestrial Discovery? (September)

We’re all aware of that ongoing debate of life forms on Mars. It seems like Venus got jealous and wanted to be the highlight of our 2020 extraterrestrial discussion. Experts discovered a chemical, phosphine, hinting at something alive hiding in the thick clouds of Venus.

Venom Caterpillar (October)

We had murder hornets, locust invasion, and now venom caterpillars. A long-existing species of caterpillar invaded Virginia. A weird crawling insect with hair-like spines that squirts venomous pus? That’s 2020 for you.

The Touring Monolith (November)

The first metal-clad monolith weirdly appeared in Utah on November 18. As if inspired by the mysterious phenomena, numerous monoliths appeared across the world. Some say this crazy occurrence might be an alien invasion or a hoax. Others call it a marketing strategy.

Virus Level Up (December)

The year is almost over, but nothing is stopping 2020. With all the craziness that happened, we often thought, “what now?” Oh, nothing much, just a new strain of the virus discovered. We all wish for it to be over. Reality says no. Now we all face a new threat that is quick to spread.

‘Christmas Star’ Reappearing After 800 Years (December)

To wrap up all the craziness with a star on top. Let’s end on a positive note as the first Christmas star in 800 years gave stargazers a treat as it shines bright on the 21st of December. Who else missed this once in a lifetime event?

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