
20 Habits Of Billionaires That You Can Do



According to billionaires, money is a byproduct of their daily habits. If this is true, they must have some amazing habits! Lucky for us, most billionaires today are self-made. They worked hard to get to where they are today. If so, there must be some things we can do to gain financial success. Here are some things billionaires do every day that you can do too.

1. Avoid Death

If you want to enjoy your money, avoid things that are bad for you. People do not become billionaires by spending all their money on junk food. According to studies, 70% of the rich eat less than 300 junk food calories per day compared to 97% of needy people who eat more than 300 junk food calories. 76% of the wealthy also exercise aerobically four days a week compared to 23% of the needy.

2. Practice Gratitude

When you’re stressed or angry, find things to be thankful for. This can be very hard but sometimes it’s best to see the silver lining.

3. 10 Ideas Per Day

Get into the habit of 10 ideas per day. Not all of them will come to fruition but some of them might. You never know unless you try it.

4. Plant Seeds

We’re not talking about a garden here but a seed that will turn into ideas, relationships or products someday. Write a thank you note, start an exercise routine, send ideas, eat well – you get the picture.

5. Learn To Say No

This can be hard for some people but if you learn how to say “No” you will have more time to read, learn, explore, sleep, spend time with family, work on ideas and many more.

6. No Excuses

Nothing ever good comes from blaming, complaining and explaining. Excuses take time and sometimes its action that you need.

7. Follow Warren Buffet’s 5/25 Rule

Write down 25 things you want to do with your life. When you’re done, go do the top 5. Forget about the other 20 because who has time to do all that? Focusing on the 5 will give you time to spotlight things that are important to you.

8. Don’t Rush

Success takes time; you can’t be an overnight success. It can take years to become a billionaire so be patient and celebrate small successes on the way.

9. Read

Read not only for learning but for relaxing too. Make it a habit to read at least 30 minutes a day every day.

10. Wake Up Early

Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Richard Branson are all early risers. Getting up early lets them work without disturbance or to exercise before they tackle everyday things.

11. Make Mistakes

You don’t need to be scared to make mistakes. They can be good teachers or serve as inspiration.

12. Sleep

Ever notice that you’re cranky when you’re sleep deprived? Sleep rejuvenates the brain and repairs brain cells and the body. Sleeping the appropriate number of hours per night and getting to a regular sleep pattern can boost productivity and make you happier.

13. Surround Yourself With People You Love

Surround yourself with family and friends. People that you love can help boost your confidence and inspire you to do better.

14. 1% a Day

1% a day is 3800% a year compounded. If you want to get better at something, do it 1% better each day. It’s a win-win situation.

15. Ask Questions

Brian Grazer, the producer behind Apollo 13 and Arrested Development liked to ask people questions. He would call up the Dalai Lama or Steve Jobs and have “curiousity conversations.” This is how he met Ron Howard and how they started Image Films which created the famous TV show Empire.

16. Stand Next To The Smartest Person In The Room

Steve Jobs did this by standing next to Steve Wozniak and Harold Raims did it by standing next to Bill Murray. The next is true with Kanye West (Jay-z). Stand next to the smartest person in the room and watch what they do.

17. Follow-Up

This is a habit that’s hard for shy people. Don’t be afraid to email and follow-up on that idea or nice to meet you email.

18. Be Single Minded.

80% of successful people are focused on accomplishing one single goal. Only 12% of less successful people do this.

19. To-Do List

If you want to accomplish your goals make a to-do list to keep track of things. Be like 81% of successful people and get into this habit.

20. Do 1 Thing You Loved As A Kid

Do 1 thing you loved to do as a kid every day. If you loved biking or playing with your dog, this can be the one thing that fuels your life.

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