
10 Ways To Know If You’re Dating A Narcissist



Have you ever thought to yourself, am I dating a narcissist? If you’re asking yourself that question… ooh girl, have a seat. We have to talk. 

Now, sometimes people get labeled a narcissist when they’re really just confident, self-assured, or even arrogant. If you’re truly dating a narcissist, they’re probably suffering from what is known as a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). NPD is a personality disorder characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for other people

Sure, that definition is cute and all. But how do you know for sure that you’re dating a narcissist? Here are some clear-cut signs of a true narcissist. 

Charming and Affable … At First

A narcissist is very good at getting what they want. For them, seduction is a very sexy game and they want to win. They will do all they can to win you over. They will be funny, friendly, and flirty. They’ll find what makes you tick and they will make you feel incredibly special. They want you to think, “wow, this is the nicest person I’ve ever met.” 

Conversation Tyrants

Narcissists only want to talk about themselves. If the topic isn’t about them, they’ll find a way to make it about them or something they’ve accomplished. If you try and steer the conversation away, they’ll either get offended and/or steer it back to them. A conversation with a narcissist it one way. 

Feeds Off Compliments

They literally need your compliments in order to survive. Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a little. The truth is that narcissists do feed off of compliments. They need constant praise and admiration otherwise they can’t function. 

Lack Empathy 

Narcissists do not care about others. At all. They have no concept of other people’s feelings or why they should care about them. If it doesn’t affect them, they do not care if someone else is having a hard time. 

Pick At Your Self-Esteem and Confidence

Being close to a narcissist can be draining. They don’t just feed off of compliments, they have to put you down in order to add to their feeling of superiority. They’ll do this by insulting you or mocking you, especially in front of others. They want to establish dominance by making you appear small. 

Feel Entitled To Anything They Want

A narcissist does not understand not having something they want. If they want it, they get it. If something is in their way, they run over it. In their mind, it already belongs to them. Whether that’s an object, a space, or your time, a narcissist feels entitled to it. 

Extremely Self-Loathing… Internally

This is at the root of a narcissist. Someone truly confident and self-assured doesn’t treat others badly. Narcissists often feel small, insecure, insignificant, and unimportant. They do some no-kidding-around mental gymnastics in order to make themselves so large and important that that’s all that matters to them. While it’s important to remember that inside they feel small, it does not justify how they treat others. 

Highly Manipulative

Narcissists will do anything and everything they can to feed their ego and to maintain their misguided feeling of superiority to others. They’ll do this by gaslighting, charming, anything at their disposal in order to get what they want and feel above the crowd. 

Now that you’ve heard my non-medical opinions of narcissistic traits, ask yourself: am I dating a narcissist? Do they meet any of these qualifications? If yes, RUN GIRL!

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