
Why Public Relations Is Important For Your Company



Getting media coverage can be a daunting task, but extremely rewarding. Paying for ad space is one thing, but having a journalist publish an article about your company or brand is another. Purchasing ad space or radio time is considered paid media, while word-of-mouth and PR-based news articles are considered “earned” media. Studies show that consumers trust news stories more than advertisements. In fact, 84% of consumers trust earned media more than paid advertisements, according to The Nielson Report. The art of Public Relations is an important component of business that all business owners should learn about. A good PR practitioner is part journalist and part salesperson to improve and monitor the perception of your company or brand in the media, in person and online. PR professionals are skilled in many different areas. Let’s explore these different services in relation to your brand or company.

Strategic Planning

Without a strategic plan birthed from a solid business plan, you are not in the best position. A good strategic public relations plan can guide your brand to success. Mapping out your direction is always a good idea. You are in the driver’s seat of your business and you need to know where to go. Otherwise, you’re driving around town, wasting precious time and gas.

The topics explored in your plan should be SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). Find your target audience, objectives and measurable goals, as well as actionable tactics, and key messages to convey to your segmented target audiences. The aforementioned is backed up by data to support your decisions. This plan is the beginning of everything and can help you figure out how to communicate the key messages of your business to the right people.

Media Coaching

When handling the media, you can either help or hurt your brand, which is why it is important to be prepared. PR practitioners deal with the media and other media professionals consistently. It is part of our job to have great relationships in place for our clients to take advantage of. It is not enough to land an interview with a well-known journalist. You must know what to say and practice that often.

PR practitioners are here to prepare you for the interview, discuss the setting of the interview, what types of questions you will be asked, and even throw you a couple of curveballs just to keep you on your toes. This is where those key messages crafted in your strategic plan will come to life.

Depending on the nature of the interview, those key messages should be repeated, using different wording during your interview. Your PR representative will practice with you and fix anything that could be potentially misinterpreted, to create the most polished and professional perception of your brand.

Crisis Communications

Stuff happens. That doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared for it. Crisis communications helped major brands like Blue Bell, BP and Tylenol. They are great examples of companies that were able to rescue their brands from an untimely death due to human error and other factors. This did not happen by coincidence. These brands had a crisis communications plan and executed it well. Having this plan doesn’t mean there won’t be flaws, but it can soften the blow.

Social Media Management

Social media is an extension of your brand. When you mix social media and public relations, it creates a convenient medium for two-way communication between your brand and your publics. Besides the fact that social media marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to reach your audience, it gives your company a chance to compete with larger brands. If handled properly, it can turn into a branding, marketing lead-generating machine.

Event Planning

Online marketing is a must-have when considering public relations for your brand, but nothing beats face-to-face interaction with your target audience. reports that 44 percent of marketers experience a 3:1 ROI from event marketing.

Fortunately, public relations professionals also assist with event planning. Although it is often an entirely different profession in itself, events are another great way to share the benefits and solutions your company provides to the people who need them.

From a public relations standpoint, whether attending events or hosting them, the key to success is knowing your target audience, and the messages you want to convey. This shapes the perception of your brand. The event should not only provide value for potential customers, but also align with the tone and messaging of your brand. When branding the event, everything from decor to promotional items should be strategically placed with data to support your reasoning. Simply hosting or attending isn’t enough. Careful planning and consideration is necessary to get the best ROI. It’s an investment for both you and your audience.

Being a business owner comes with its own challenges and setbacks. Public relations is important, because it builds brand credibility and strategic placement in the right areas. With our new technology-driven society, everything happens at a fast pace, making it easy to get left behind. When introducing the public to a company or brand, never go about it haphazardly. Always plan ahead.

Having a professional handling your brand is one of the keys to business success. PR isn’t the most important element of a successful company, there is no one single component that will propel your business forward. In fact, several working, moving parts are acting together. Similar to the body, they are all interconnected, moving towards a common goal. If one part is missing, the body cannot function at optimal levels. This is true for PR in relation to your company. If you cannot hire a PR professional or agency, everything I’ve mentioned can be done with a little time, research and confidence, you can become your own public relations representative.

As Chief Amazement Officer, Secret Bridgewater is the innovator behind Secret & Co, a public relations and marketing firm focused on brand integration and development on and offline. Located in Dallas, Secret & Co assists brands nationwide with services like photography and videography, branding, social media marketing, media relations, blogging, and much more.

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